Do-ART - ART Optimization: A prospective, interventional, randomized study of community-based ART initiation, delivery and monitoring in South Africa and Uganda


This study is a clinic community based project to explore effective, safe, acceptable, and cost-effective models of community-based ART initiation and delivery. The study aims to optimize, through community-based ART initiation and maintenance, the proportion of HIV-positive ART eligible persons who achieve viral suppression at 12 months; minimize the cost per HIV-positive person achieving viral suppression and retention in the continuum of HIV care through community-based strategies compared to clinic standard of care; estimate, using mathematical models and study results, the cost-effectiveness and budget impact for community-based ART initiation, resupply and monitoring compared to clinic-based programs; use qualitative methods to explain ???how??? and ???why??? community-based strategies of ART initiation, re-supply and monitoring impact viral suppression and other study outcomes.