Research outputs

Access is provided to research outputs generated by HSRC researchers since 2000. All research outputs are provided free of charge to the public, with the exception of confidential reports. Where possible the full-text is provided for immediate download. If you are interested in obtaining a copy of an output which is not immediately available for download, please contact the Digital Curation Team at

HSRC Repository

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Research data

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2020 Community leaders as intermediaries: how everyday practices create and sustain leadership in five informal settlements in Cape Town

Community leaders are expected to navigate different social and institutional contexts, but they must do so without the direction, authority...

2020 Community action in the time of COVID-19: moving at the speed of trust; sitting with complexity

A significant proportion of South Africans believe that the COVID-19 pandemic will make people more supportive of one another. This finding ...

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2020 Bo-Kaap community response to COVID-19: living culture and tradition

A week before the nationwide lockdown commenced, Bo-Kaap announced its closure to tourists. The neighbourhood with its colourful houses and ...

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