Research outputs

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Research outputs: HEALTH

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2017 The Sackler Institute for nutrition science report: adolescent girl-adult women comparison study: the nutritional status and metabolic disease risk profile of South African women (15+ years)

The prevalence of malnutrition (under- and overweight, and nutrient deficiencies) in SA has consistently been reported to have risen, albeit...

2017 Accelerating tuberculosis control: addressing the structural drivers of the disease in South Africa

Although efforts to address the burden of tuberculosis (TB) have yielded notable progress, the disease remains a major health problem in Sou...

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2017 Body mass index and waist circumference in patients with HIV in South Africa and associated socio-demographic, health related and psychosocial factors

A high body mass index (BMI) and high waist circumference are important health risk factors predisposing for cardiovascular and metabolic di...

2017 Trends in HIV testing and associated factors among men in South Africa: evidence from 2005, 2008 and 2012 national population-based household surveys

In Sub-Saharan African countries, including South Africa, uptake of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing among men remains a major cha...

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