Research outputs

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Research outputs: HEALTH SERVICES

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2013 SARRAH impact evaluation: phase 1 (2012): support national interventions to improve access to and equity within HIV and health services at national and provincial levels

The implementation of NHI is a very large and long term initiative (at least 14 years) in which many players are involved. Whilst there is l...

2012 Analysis of cost impact of HIV/AIDS on health service provision in nine regions, Tanzania: methodological challenges and lessons for policy

Tanzania is one of African countries that have since 1983 been facing the human immuno-deficiency virus-acquired immune-deficiency syndrome ...

2012 Report on HIV risk factors among infants in the Joe Gqabi health district of the eastern Cape province

The risk factors associated with non-vertical transmission of HIV/AIDS have not been identified conclusively, and further empirical research...

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