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Research outputs: POLITICS

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2022 The missing youth in the South African political landscape

Almost three decades into the post-apartheid political landscape in South Africa, the role of the youth in the electoral process is slowly b...

2021 Realigning theory, practice, and justice in global south youth studies

This essay outlines an agenda for youth studies from the vantage point of the Global South and describes the structure of the Oxford handboo...

2021 An ethico-political approach to poverty and inequality: embodying care and corporeal citizenship

In this chapter the authors argue for a normative rethinking of the state. Their argument is motivated by the need for a politics - in South...

2021 A normative approach to the minimum core: minimum requirements for a life of dignity

This chapter seeks to establish the normative nature of a minimum core content of justiciable socioeconomic rights (SERs) as enshrined in th...