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Research outputs: WOMEN

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2021 Women, custodianship and the land debate

Since 1995, land reform in South Africa, and particularly land redistribution, has taken on various forms and guises. However, women remain ...

2021 Reflecting on the current scenario and forecasting the future demand for medical doctors in South Africa up to 2030: towards equal representation of women

Increasing feminization of medical professions is well-acknowledged. However, this does not always equate to equitable representation of wom...

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2021 Prenatal and postnatal intimate partner violence and associated factors among HIV-infected women in rural South Africa: a longitudinal study

Intimate partner violence (IPV) has been highlighted as one of the challenges to the effectiveness of the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Tran...

2020 When higher education increases women's risk for intimate partner violence: the case for a multipronged preventative approach to tackling gender-based violence

The socioeconomic empowerment of women is seen as critical to gender equality, the absence of which is associated with high rates of gender-...