HSRC Integrated Annual Report 2018/2019

HSRC INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19 / 113 NOTES TO THE ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ended 31 March 2019 (Continued) 2019 March 2018 March R’000 R’000 8 Trade and Other Payables Trade creditors 2 606 3 925 Accruals 22 441 15 867 Leave accrual 17 911 16 608 42 958 36 400 The HSRC considers that the carrying amount of trade and other payables approximate their fair value. Leave accrual Opening balance 16 608 17 393 Additional Accrual 24 342 22 907 Amounts paid during the year (2 848) (3 268) Amounts utilised during the year (20 191) (20 424) Closing balance 17 911 16 608 Leave pay accrual reduces when an employee takes official leave days or leaves the HSRC and the leave is paid out to the employee. Leave accrual is capped at leave days accrued in a 12 month cycle. 9 Income Received in Advance Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 830 830 Centre for Communication Impact - 2 938 City of Tshwane 140 140 Department of Higher Education - 17 Department of Public Works 366 1 100 Department of Rural Development 159 159 Department of Science and Technology 6 346 7 052 Ford Foundation 340 - Medical Research Council – UK - 1 469 Hilton Foundation - 786 Industry Association of Responsible Alcohol Use – NPC - 1 755 Mellon Foundation 1 702 - Other projects/funding agencies 13 915 15 992 South African National AIDS Council 832 832 South African National Roads Agency - 836 Mannion Daniels Ltd 9 967 - World Bank 1 008 - World Health Organization 560 6 025 36 165 39 931