HSRC Integrated Annual Report 2018/2019

HSRC INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19 / 121 2019 March 2018 March R’000 R’000 18 Staff Costs Wages and salaries* (272 762) (262 842) Defined contribution plan (19 930) (19 553) Social contributions - Official union (employee contributions) (308) (243) Post-retirement medical benefit - Employer contributions (276) (269) - Decrease in liability 390 397 Termination benefits (310) - (293 196) (282 510) Number of staff as at 31 March 2019 Permanent staff 538 558 Short-term staff (12 months or less)*** 180 109 Total 718 667 * Detailed disclosure of Council members’ and executive management remuneration is set out in Note 25.2. *** Short-term staff are predominantly linked to various HSRC research projects, and staff count varies with project activities undertaken during a given period. The number disclosed in this note refers to staff who are in employment at 31 March 2019. 19 Other Operating Expenses Bad debts written off (255) (32) Bad debts provision (3 074) (764) Legal fees (158) (497) Inventory written off (801) (1 186) Inventory written down (1 149) (1 079) Loss on disposal of assets (622) (696) Office refreshments and client relations (486) (455) Rentals, maintenance, repairs and running costs (26 821) (25 354) - Other maintenance repairs and running costs (3 092) (3 190) - Property taxes and municipal rates (11 915) (10 512) - Lease rentals (Regional offices) (11 814) (11 652) Expensed warranties (55) (50) Staff recruitment costs (129) (388) Staff training (1 898) (1 093) Study bursaries (198) (823) (35 646) (32 417) NOTES TO THE ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ended 31 March 2019 (Continued)