HSRC Integrated Annual Report 2018/2019

Measuring R&D Capacity in South Africa The South African National Survey on Research and Experimental Development (R&D Survey) is a flagship annual project that reports R&D expenditure and performance data across five institutional sectors, both public and private, including higher education, science councils, government, business and not- for-profit organisations. During 2018/19, CeSTII completed fieldwork and reporting for the 2016/17 survey cycle, initiated fieldwork for the 2017/18 cycle, and explored pathways to digitalise survey operations to enhance efficiency and effectiveness. In reaching out to respondents, CeSTII embarked on a series of outreach events to engage survey participants in higher education and government, as well as disseminated fact sheets and research briefs on key R&D trends, including green R&D. Progress advanced on the first case study research, undertaken to understand how selected State Owned Enterprises are geared to perform R&D and innovation in terms of their human and technological capabilities. Measuring Innovation Capacity in South African Firms The South African Business Innovation Survey 2014–2016, launched in 2017, concluded fieldwork in the year under review. The team produced a preliminary data analysis report for the purposes of a high-level Cabinet briefing. Working together with the DST and Business Unity South Africa (BUSA), CeSTII initiated, organised and executed its first Industry Associations Innovation Day, themed ‘Innovation, Government and Industry 4.0: Policies, Measures, Incentives’ at the Riversands Incubation Hub. Over 60 delegates, representing a diverse spectrumof industry associations, government departments, universities, and companies, participated in the event. Senior CeSTII researchers contributed to a dedicated Business Day supplement, published in June 2018, focussing on the value of innovation measurement for firmcompetitiveness in South Africa. Through consultation with a wide range of key stakeholders and interested parties in the private and public sectors, conceptualisation and planning for a baseline innovation survey of agricultural businesses was also carried out in the year under review. This will be implemented in 2019. New Indicator Development To understand one of South Africa’smost important and active sectors, CeSTII launched the first standardised survey of innovation in the informal sector, at an event at the Mpumuza Traditional Authority Centre in KwaZulu-Natal, in March 2019. Working in close collaboration with the HSRC’s Human and Social Development Programme, the survey is being conducted using a sample of informal businesses from the Sweetwaters area. The study aims to fill a major gap in understanding innovation in South Africa particularly since national studies tend to focus HSRC INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19 / 15