HSRC Integrated Annual Report 2018/2019

HSRC INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19 / 129 NOTES TO THE ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ended 31 March 2019 (Continued) Note Period ended 31 March 2019 Period ended 31 March 2018 Gross Remuneration Post- employment Benefits and Termination Benefits Performance Bonus Other Allowances Total Total R R R R R R Prof. L Zungu (Board Member, appointed 1 November 2017) 12 090 - - - 12 090 11 055 Prof. H Bhorat (appointed 1 November 2017) (Board Member, also serves on the Audit and Risk Committee) – resigned 25 March 2019 18 831 - - - 18 831 11 746 Dr A Hamdok (appointed 1 November 2017) 33 977 - - - 33 977 14 740 Prof. C Soudien – (ex officio as CEO ) 2 705 067 384 390 88 460 186 135 3 364 052 3 087 830 Executive Management 25.3 16 158 673 2 031 518 339 051 1 246 670 19 775 912 19 993 195 19 081 497 2 415 908 427 511 1 432 805 23 357 720 23 378 106