HSRC Integrated Annual Report 2018/2019

130 / HSRC INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19 PART E: ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 25.3 Executive Management For the year ending 31 March 2019 Name Position Date/(Period) of Appointment Prof. C Soudien Chief Executive Officer (CEO) 01/09/2015 Prof. LC Simbayi Deputy Chief Executive Officer: Research 01/01/2016 Dr BST Masilela Executive Director: RIA 01/01/2016 Ms C Abdoll CA(SA) Group Executive: Shared Services(Designated CFO) 01/09/2017 Prof. H van Rooyen Executive Director: HSD 01/01/2016 Prof. P Reddy Acting Executive Director: PHHSI 24/11/2016–30/09/2018 Dr V Reddy Acting Executive Director: ESD 01/03/2018–31/05/2018 Prof. S Swartz Executive Director: ESD 01/06/2018 Dr N Bohler-Muller Executive Director: DGSD 18/11/2015 Dr K Zuma Executive Director: HAST 01/06/2013 Dr C Chikozho Executive Director: AISA 01/11/2016–30/04/ 2018 Prof. C Hendricks Executive Director: AISA 01/07/2018 Prof. I Turok Executive Director: EPD 01/04/2016 For the year ending 31 March 2018 Name Position Date/(Period) of Appointment Prof. C Soudien Chief Executive Officer (CEO) 01/09/2015 Prof. LC Simbayi Deputy Chief Executive Officer: Research 01/01/2016 Dr BST Masilela Executive Director: RIA 01/01/2016 Ms C Abdoll CA(SA) Group Executive: Shared Services (Designated CFO) 01/09/2017 Dr H van Rooyen Executive Director: HSD 01/01/2016 Prof. P Reddy Acting Executive Director: PHHSI 24/11/2016–31/03/2018 Dr V Reddy Executive Director: ESD 01/07/2007 Prof. G Setswe Acting/Executive Director: HAST 01/04/2016–30/06/2017 Dr N Bohler-Muller Executive Director: DGSD 18/11/2015 Dr K Zuma Executive Director: RMDC/Acting Executive Director HAST 01/06/2013 Dr C Chikozho Executive Director: AISA 01/11/2016 Prof. I Turok Executive Director: EPD 01/04/2016 Mr R Matambo (ACCA, MBA) Acting Chief Financial Officer 03/01/2017–31/08/2017 26 Prior Period Errors – Adjustments The following prior period errors have been identified and the specific effect on Financial Statements have been set out in Note 26.1. These errors have been corrected and comparatives restated accordingly and rounded off (R’000). The effect on previously reported Financial Statements is also indicated. To enhance presentation and provide more detailed information to the users, additional line items have been reclassified or disclosed separately. Such adjustments had no financial impact on the surplus of the HSRC and as such were not disclosed separately in this note. Items, disclosed below, are those that had an impact on the results previously reported. These prior period errors have no tax effect as the HSRC is exempt in terms of the Income Tax Act. NOTES TO THE ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ended 31 March 2019 (Continued)