HSRC Integrated Annual Report 2018/2019

more on measurement within formal industrial and services sub-sectors, and much less on innovation within specific geographic communities, including informal enterprises in township or rural communities. The survey design was informed by a research project on the capabilities of informal enterprises to innovate by drawing on the knowledge and technology of universities, science councils, and other formal intermediary actors in local innovation and production systems. Supported by the National Research Foundation (NRF), three in-depth case studies using new participatory methodologies such as digital storytelling and photovoice, were undertaken in marginalised and vulnerable communities in Cofimvaba (Eastern Cape), Carnarvon (Northern Cape) and Philippi (Western Cape). Projects with Impact Working together with the HSRC’s Research and Impact Assessment (RIA) Programme, CeSTII arranged three seminars on innovation for inclusive development policy, attracting academic and other interested parties to critical and focussed discussions on STI measurement frameworks appropriate to the South African – and African – settings. These events, together with a lecture on public sector innovation delivered by Prof. Anthony Arundel (UNU-MERIT), and the HSRC Seminar Series, contributed to shaping new and contextually-specific understandings of innovation measurement for South Africa. In an allied effort, and to advance the HSRC’s and CeSTII’s collaboration with the National Advisory Council on Innovation (NACI), CeSTII co-hosted an event at Cape Town’s Philippi Village, entitled ‘Disruptive digitalisation, transformative change and inclusion: How do we design a responsive measurement agenda in South Africa?’. The event aimed to provide a Western Cape-based forum for the provincial launch of NACI’s 2017 national STI indicators report, and attracted 80 government participants from local and national agencies, as well as community-based organisations and entrepreneurs from the Philippi area. In moving toward wider use and uptake of CeSTII- produced data, in September 2018, CeSTII hosted the HSRC’s first innovation ‘hackathon’ at the Cape Town Stadium. The event, hosted in collaboration with NACI and the SA Innovation Summit, was themed ‘Putting South Africa’s innovation data to work’. The hackathon brought together multi- sectoral and multi-disciplinary teams of expertise, and attracted 42 team participants from businesses, design and media houses, research institutions, government departments and the IT sector. Their goal? To create newweb- and data-based solutions for the curation of South Africa’s past innovation survey data sets on NACI’s STI information portal. Internationally, CeSTII led the organisation of the SADC Regional Consultative Forum on STI Indicators in March 2019 in Pretoria, in collaboration with the SADC STI Secretariat. Arranged to coincide with a validation meeting of the 1 st SADC R&D investment report, the forumwas entitled ‘Towards a research and training agenda for STI measurement in the SADC: A consultative forum for information sharing and learning’. The forum attracted officials from 10 SADC Member States, including Botswana, South Africa, Tanzania, Seychelles, Angola, Namibia, Lesotho, ESwatini, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique. Researchers from CeSTII presented learning on topics such as adapting to the new Olso and Frascati manuals, global comparability and local relevance, and new STI measures. The outcome was an identification of ways in which CeSTII can play a more proactive role in capacity building for STI measurement in the SADC Region. Hackathon Winning Team 16 / HSRC INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19