HSRC Integrated Annual Report 2018/2019

140 / HSRC INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19 PART E: ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTES TO THE ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ended 31 March 2019 (Continued) 31. Disclosure of costs related to conferences as required by National Treasury Instruction Note 2 of 2016/17, paragraph 8 (continued) Date of conference Name of conference Number of participants Purpose of conference or event Division or business unit Description of the contracting procedures Classification of the expenditure Amount R 27–29 August 2018 Power and Governance: Forms, Dynamics, Consequences 1 The rise of corruption as a societal problem in South Africa DGSD SCM Process Expenditure 36 790.35 * 08–09 October 2018 ISPRS Symposium 1 Where have all the jobs gone? Unemployment trends in Gauteng, South Africa eRKC SCM Process Expenditure 45 599.79 * 24–27 October 2018 49 th Union World Conference on Lung Health 1 Declaring our rights: Social and Political Solutions HAST SCM Process Expenditure 56 125.76 * 29 October – 11 November 2018 1. 44 th Annual Association for Moral Education (AME) Conference; 2. UCL Institute of Education; 3. Commonwealth Youth Work Conference 1 1. 44 th Annual Association for Moral Education (AME) Conference; 2. UCL Institute of Education; 3. Commonwealth Youth Work Conference ESD SCM Process Expenditure 45 784.00 * 08–15 November 2018 AFINET Conference (Addiction and the Family International Network First International Conference) 1 Parents experiences of living with an adolescent with a drug use problem HSD SCM Process Expenditure 35 108.11 * 20–23 November 2018 CEAD Conference (Contemporary Ethnography Across the Disciplines) 1 Navigating the borders of race and identity in post- apartheid South Africa through Poetic Inquiry HSD SCM Process Expenditure 100 862.48 *