HSRC Integrated Annual Report 2018/2019

HSRC INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19 / 141 NOTES TO THE ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ended 31 March 2019 (Continued) Date of conference Name of conference Number of participants Purpose of conference or event Division or business unit Description of the contracting procedures Classification of the expenditure Amount R 04–07 April 2018 Embracing well-being in diverse contexts 1 Embracing well-being in diverse contexts DGSD SCM Process Expenditure 11824.02 * 19–22 June 2018 14 th Southern African Online Information Meeting (SAOIM) 1 Authorship Ethics, Open Access, Scholarly Publishing and Research Data Management eRKC SCM Process Expenditure 2 500.00 * 19–22 June 2018 14 th Southern African Online Information Meeting (SAOIM) 1 Authorship Ethics, Open Access, Scholarly Publishing and Research Data Management eRKC SCM Process Expenditure 2 500.00 * 20–22 June 2018 The Historical Association of South Africa Conference (HASA) 1 The Historical development of policy on military veterans in South Africa DGSD SCM Process Expenditure 9 564.00 26–29 June 2018 2018 Popular Education Network Conference 1 Challenges of knowledge production and knowledge use among researchers and policy makers RIA SCM Process Expenditure 16 189.15 02–06 July 2018 International Congress for Linguistics 1 The reproduction of racial inequalities through selective institutional ascription of English and Afrikaans as language of learning RIA SCM Process Expenditure 19 071.59 04–06 July 2018 3 rd International Annual Conference on Public Administration and Development Alternatives 1 3 rd International Annual Conference on Public Administration and Development Alternatives AISA SCM Process Expenditure 9392.80