HSRC Integrated Annual Report 2018/2019

Research Data Sets – 2018/19 Human Sciences Research Council. Engaging very young adolescents in improving sexual and reproductive health and rights in the context of national health system reform: Learners’ survey (SRH) 2017 – Gert Sibande district, Mpumalanga. [Data set]. SRH 2017. Version 1.0. Pretoria South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council [producer] 2017. http://dx.doi.org/doi :10.14749/1539766379. Human Sciences Research Council. Innovation for Inclusive Development (IID) Policy Seminars and the Government Cluster Policy Workshops (GCPWs) Series 2016-17. [Data set]. IID-GCPW 2016-17. Version 1.0. Pretoria South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council, Department of Science and Technology [producers] 2016. Human Sciences Research Council [distributor] 2019. http://dx.doi.org/doi: 10.14749/1548151203. Human Sciences Research Council. National Research and Experimental Development Survey (R&D) 2015-16: All provinces in South Africa – Aggregated. [Data set]. R&D 2015-16 Aggregated. Version 1.0. Pretoria South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council [producer] 2017. http://dx.doi.org/doi: 10.14749/1538647123. Human Sciences Research Council. South African Election Satisfaction Survey (ESS) 1999: Voters – All provinces. [Data set]. ESS 1999 Voters. Version 1.0. Pretoria South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council [producer] 1999, Human Sciences Research Council [distributor] 2020. http://dx.doi.org/doi :10.14749/1545215415. Human Sciences Research Council. South African Election Satisfaction Survey (ESS) 2000: Voters – All provinces. [Data set]. ESS 2000 Voters. Version 1.0. Pretoria South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council [producer] 2000, Human Sciences Research Council [distributor] 2020. http://dx.doi.org/doi :10.14749/1544691594. Human Sciences Research Council. South African Election Satisfaction Survey (ESS) 2004: Voters – All provinces. [Data set]. ESS 2004 Voters. Version 1.0. Pretoria South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council [producer] 2004, Human Sciences Research Council [distributor] 2020. http://dx.doi.org/doi :10.14749/1544607763. Human Sciences Research Council. South African Election Satisfaction Survey (ESS) 2009: Observers – All provinces. [Data set]. ESS 2009 Observers. Version 1.0. Pretoria South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council [producer] 2009, Human Sciences Research Council [distributor] 2020. http://dx.doi.org/doi: 10.14749/1533635837. Human Sciences Research Council. South African Election Satisfaction Survey (ESS) 2009: Voters – All provinces. [Data set]. ESS 2009 Voters. Version 1.0. Pretoria South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council [producer] 2009, Human Sciences Research Council [distributor] 2020. http://dx.doi.org/doi :10.14749/1533109223. Human Sciences Research Council. South African Election Satisfaction Survey (ESS) 2011: Observers – All provinces. [Data set]. ESS 2011 Observers. Version 1.0. Pretoria South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council [producer] 2011, Human Sciences Research Council [distributor] 2020. http://dx.doi.org/doi: 10.14749/1538040016. Human Sciences Research Council. South African Election Satisfaction Survey (ESS) 2011: Voters – All provinces. [Data set]. ESS 2011 Voters. Version 1.0. Pretoria South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council [producer] 2011, Human Sciences Research Council [distributor] 2020. http://dx.doi.org/doi :10.14749/1538033821. Human Sciences Research Council. South African Election Satisfaction Survey (ESS) 2014: Observers – All provinces. [Data set]. ESS 2014 Observers. Version 1.0. Pretoria South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council [producer] 2014, Human Sciences Research Council [distributor] 2020. http://dx.doi.org/doi: 10.14749/1539948820. Human Sciences Research Council. South African Election Satisfaction Survey (ESS) 2014: Voters – All provinces. [Data set]. ESS 2014 Voters. Version 1.0. Pretoria South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council [producer] 2014, Human Sciences Research Council [distributor] 2020. http://dx.doi.org/doi :10.14749/1537171471. Human Sciences Research Council. South African Identity Document Study (ID) 1998 – All provinces. [Data set]. ID 1998. Version 1.0. Pretoria South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council [producer] 1998, Human Sciences Research Council [distributor] 2020. http://dx.doi.org/doi: 10.14749/1546420723. Human Sciences Research Council. South African National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (SANHANES-1) 2011-12: Adult Physical Examination – All provinces. [Data set]. SANHANES 2011-12 Adult Physical Examination. Version 1.0. Pretoria South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council [producer] 2012, Human Sciences Research Council [distributor] 2019. http://dx.doi.org/doi: 10.14749/1551703486. Human Sciences Research Council. South African National Survey of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer at Publicly Funded Research Institutions – Inaugural Baseline Study (IP-TT): 2014-15 Aggregated. [Data set]. IP-TT 2014-15 Aggregated. Version 1.0. Pretoria South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council [producer] 2015, Human Sciences Research Council [distributor] 2018. http://dx.doi.org/doi :10.14749/1519907589. Human Sciences Research Council. South African Voter Participation Survey (VPS) 2000 – All provinces. [Data set]. VPS 2000. Version 1.0. Pretoria South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council [producer] 2000. Human Sciences Research Council, Electoral Commission of South Africa [distributor] 2020. http://dx.doi.org/doi: 10.14749/1549522658. Human Sciences Research Council. South African Voter Participation Survey (VPS) 2005 – All provinces. [Data set]. VPS 2005. Version 1.0. Pretoria South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council [producer] 2005. Human Sciences Research Council, Electoral Commission of South Africa [distributor] 2020. http://dx.doi.org/doi: 10.14749/1529922538. Human Sciences Research Council. South African Voter Participation Survey (VPS) 2010 – All provinces. [Data set]. VPS 2010. Version 1.0. Pretoria South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council [producer] 2010, Human Sciences Research Council [distributor] 2020. http://dx.doi.org/doi: 10.14749/1433758940. HSRC INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19 / 149