HSRC Integrated Annual Report 2018/2019

Human Sciences Research Council. South African Voter Participation Survey (VPS) 2013 – All provinces. [Data set]. VPS 2013. Version 1.0. Pretoria South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council [producer] 2013, Human Sciences Research Council [distributor] 2020. http://dx.doi.org/doi: 10.14749/1534495757. Human Sciences Research Council. South African Voter Participation Survey (VPS), 2008 – All provinces. [Data set]. VPS 2008. Version 1.0. Pretoria South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council [producer] 2008, Human Sciences Research Council [distributor] 2020. http://dx.doi.org/doi: 10.14749/1529485615. Human Sciences Research Council. THIRD Skills Audit Review: Background Paper – Higher Education and Training Institutions Survey Report. [Data set]. THIRD 2016 Educator. Version 1.0. Pretoria South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council [producer] 2016, Human Sciences Research Council [distributor] 2019. http://dx.doi.org/doi: 10.14749/1551863138. Human Sciences Research Council. Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2015 Grade 5: Numeracy (ASG) – South Africa as one of 39 countries. [Data set]. TIMSS 2015 Numeracy. Version 1.0. Pretoria South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council [producer] 2015, Human Sciences Research Council [distributor] 2019. http://dx.doi.org/doi: 10.14749/1535005392. South African National AIDS Council. People living with HIV Stigma Index: South Africa (STIGMA) 2014. [Data set]. STIGMA 2014. Version 1.0. South Africa: South African National AIDS Council, University of Witwatersrand Reproductive Health and HIV Institute, Human Sciences Research Council [producers] 2014. http://dx.doi.org/doi: 10.14749/1553526054. DHET Accredited Journal Articles Counted Towards ADEPTS (ISI, IBSS, SA, Scielo SA, Norwegian and/or Scopus Listings) Adams, R. (2018) South Africa’s social contract: the Economic Freedomfighters and the rise of a new constituent power?. Acta Academica . 50(3):102-121. Alubafi, M.F., Ramphalile, M. & Rankoana, A.S. (2018) The shifting image of black women’s hair in Tshwane (Pretoria), South Africa. Cogent Social Sciences . 4:Online. Baker, H., Fried, A., Cloete, A., Sigel, C., Miranda, D., Guillen, J., Rochat, R. & Siegler, A. (2018) “Give what the people want”: a situational analysis of condom distribution and a feasibility study of user-friendly condoms in Cape Town, South Africa. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care . 29(6):887-901. Bank, L.J. (2018) Editorial: putting universities in their place. Development Southern Africa. 35(5):609-610. Bank, L.J. (2018) Sobukwe’s children: nationalism, neo- liberalism and the student protests at the University of Fort Hare and in South Africa. Anthropology Southern Africa . 41(3):212-228. Bank, L.J. & Sibanda, F. (2018) Universities as city-builders: the city-campus development opportunity in East London’s Buffalo City, South Africa. Development Southern Africa . 35(5):701-715. Bhatasara, S. & Nyamwanza, A. (2018) Sustainability: a missing dimension in climate change adaptation discourse in Africa?. Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences . 15(1):87-102. Bialostocka, O. (2018) On history and mythmaking in South Africa: the decolonial quest for truth(s) and relevance. Africa Insight . 47(2):1-12. Biyela, A.C., Nzimakwe, T.I., Mthuli, A. & Khambule, I. (2018) Assessing the role of intergovernmental relations in strategic planning for economic development at local government level: a case study of Umkhanyakude district municipality. Journal of Gender, Information and Development in Africa (JGIDA) . 7(2):221-239. Booyens, I. & Rogerson, C.M. (2018) Creative tourism: South African township explorations. Tourism Review International . October:Online. Booyens, I. & Rogerson, C.M. (2019) Re-creating slum tourism: perspectives from South Africa. Urbani Izziv . 30:52-63. Booysen, F., Guvuriro, S., Munro, A., Moloi, T. & Campher, C. (2018) Putting a premiumon altruism: a social discounting experiment with South African university students . PLoS One . 13(4):Online. Booysen, F., Munro, A., Guvuriro, S., Moloi, T. &Campher, C. (2018) Incentivising the social discounting task: a laboratory experiment. South African Journal of Economics . May:Online. Breetzke, G.D. & Edelstein, I. (2018) The spatial concentration and stability of crime in a South African township. Security Journal . July:Online. Buchana, Y., Garbutt, M. & Seymour, L.F. (2018) Identifying micro-level generative mechanisms of ICT-enabled performance improvement in resource-constrained healthcare organisations: a critical realist perspective. Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries . September:Online. Check, N.A. & Mdlongwa, T. (2018) Challenges with nation-building in Africa: the Heglig oil conflict and crises of identity and belonging in south Sudan. Africa Insight . 47(2):65-76. Chikozho, C., Makombe, G. &Milondzo, K. (2018) Difficult roads leading to beautiful destinations?: articulating land reform’s contribution to rural livelihoods in the Limpopo province, South Africa. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth . November:Online. Chisha, Z., Nwosu, C. & Ataguba, J. (2019) Decomposition of socioeconomic inequalities in cigarette smoking: the case of Namibia. International Journal for Equity in Health . 18(6):Online. Cilliers, J., Fleisch, B., Prinsloo, C. & Taylor, S. (2018) How to improve teaching practice?: an experimental comparison of centralized training and in-classroom coaching. Journal of Human Resources . November:Online. PART F: RESEARCH OUTPUTS – 2018/19 150 / HSRC INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19