HSRC Integrated Annual Report 2018/2019

Collins, O.C., Simelane, T. & Duffy, K.J. (2018) Analyses of mathematical models for city population dynamics under heterogeneity. African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development . November:Online. Comulada, W.S., Wynn, A., Van Rooyen, H., Barnabas, R.V., Eashwari, R. & Van Heerden, A. (2018) Using mHealth to deliver a home-based testing and counselling program to improve linkage to care and ART adherence in rural South Africa. Prevention Science: The Official Journal of the Society for Prevention Research . September:Online. Cooper, A. (2018) “You can’t write in Kaapse Afrikaans in your question paper ... the terms must be right”: race- and class-infused language ideologies in educational places on the Cape Flats. Educational Research for Social Change . 7(1):30-45. Cooper, A., Swartz, S. & Mahali, A. (2018) Disentangled, decentred and democratised: youth studies for the global South. Journal of Youth Studies . May:Online. Desai, R., Mercken, L.A.G., Ruiter, R.A.C., Schepers, J. & Reddy, P. (2019) Cigarette smoking and reasons for leaving school among school dropouts in South Africa. BMC Public Health . 19:Online. Duffy, K.J., Simelane, T. & Collins, O.C. (2018) Income as a primary driver of South African inner city migration. Theoretical and Empirical Researches in UrbanManagement . 13(3):25-36. Dukhi, N. & Taylor, M. (2018) A focus on four popular “functional foods” as part of a strategy to combat metabolic disease through the increased consumption of fruits and vegetables. Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science . 6(2):Online. Edelstein, I. (2018) Development and validation of the youth violence potential scale. Violence and Victims . 33(5):789-812. Du Plessis, N., Hermes, J., Bohler-Muller, N., Du Toit, T., Hachigonta, S., Maanda, F., Modiba, S., Motepe, M., Mphogo, K., Papo, T.R., Penney, J., Rees, G., Siko, G. & Masoka, C. (2018) The proposed institutional reform of the Indian Ocean Rim Academic Group. Journal of the Indian Ocean Region . May:Online. Engelbrecht, J.G., Mukinda, F.K., Green, B. & Skinner, D. (2018) How clinicians experience a simulated antiretroviral therapy adherence exercise: a qualitative study. African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine . 10(1):Online. Essack, Z. & Toohey, J. (2018) Unpacking the 2-year age-gap provision in relation to the decriminalisation of underage consensual sex in South Africa . South African Journal of Bioethics and Law . 11(2):85-88. Essack, Z. &Wassenaar, D.R. (2018) South African research ethics committee review of standards of prevention in HIV vaccine trial protocols. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics . September:Online. Essop, R., Tolla, T., Lynch, I. & Makoae, M. (2018) ‘They tell you about the risks’: exploring sources of sexuality education among very young adolescents in rural Mpumalanga. South African Journal of Child Health (SAJCH) . 12(2) Suppl.1:S36-S39. Fongwa, S. (2018) Diaspora collaboration and knowledge production in Africa: reflections on caveats and opportunities. Journal of Higher Education in Africa . 16(1):125-143. Fongwa, S. (2018) Towards an expanded discourse on graduate outcomes in South Africa. Education as Change . 22(3):Online. Francis, D.A., Reygan, F., Brown, A., Dlamini, B., McAllister, J., Nogela, L., Mosime, S.T., Muller, M. & Thani, G.T.Q. (2018) A five country study of gender and sexuality diversity and schooling in southern Africa. Africa Education Review. May:Online. Fubah, M.A. (2018) The changing nature of statues and monuments in Tshwane (Pretoria) South Africa. Ethnography. December:Online. Gaida, R., Truter, I. & Grobler, C. (2018) Perspectives of healthcare professionals of the neuropsychiatric side effects associated with efavirenz and its management. Health SA Gesondheid . 23:Online. Gastrow, M. & Oppelt, T. (2018) Big science and human development: what is the connection?. South African Journal of Scienc e. 114(11/12):Online. Gilbert, H.N., Wyatt, M.A., Asiimwe, S., Turyamureeba, B., Tumwesigye, E., Van Rooyen, H., Barnabas, R.V., Celum, C.L. & Ware, N.C. (2018) Messaging circumstances and economic pressures as influences on linkage to medical male circumcision following community-based HIV testing for men in rural southwest Uganda: a qualitative study. AIDS Research and Treatment . May:Online. Golovaty, I., Sharma, M., Van Heerden, A., Van Rooyen, H., Baeten, J.M., Celum, C. & Barnabas, R.V. (2018) Cost of integrating non-communicable disease screening into home-based HIV testing and counseling in South Africa. JAIDS – Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes . September:Online. Gordon, S.L. (2018) Who is welcoming and who is not?: an attitudinal analysis of anti-immigrant sentiment in South Africa. South African Review of Sociology . September:Online. Gordon, S.L. (2019) Understanding the attitude-behaviour relationship: a quantitative analysis of public participation in anti-immigrant violence in South Africa. South African Journal of Psychology . February:Online. Gordon, S.L. & Harvey, J. (2018) Choice of language in education: do we know what South Africans want? Language and Education . December:Online. Groenewald, C. (2018) A mother’s reflections of living with an adolescent drug abuser: a case report. Journal of Substance Use . May:Online. Groenewald, C., Essack, Z. & Khumalo, S. (2018) Speaking through pictures: canvassing adolescent risk behaviours in a semi-rural community in KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa. South African Journal of Child Health (SAJCH) . Special Issue:S57-62. Habiyaremye, A. (2018) Enhancing productive capabilities through intra-regional trade and cross-border investments in southern Africa. Development Southern Africa . August:Online. HSRC INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19 / 151