HSRC Integrated Annual Report 2018/2019

Pengpid, S. & Peltzer, K. (2018) Parental involvement and mental health among school-going adolescents in five Caribbean countries. Journal of Psychology in Africa . 28(5):394-399. Pengpid, S. & Peltzer, K. (2018) Parental involvement, health behaviour and mental health among school- going adolescents in seven Pacific Island countries. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment . September:Online. Pengpid, S. & Peltzer, K. (2018) Prevalence and risk factors for cervical and breast cancer screening among women in the general population in Indonesia. Gender and Behaviour . 16(3):11994-003. Pengpid, S. & Peltzer, K. (2018) Prevalence and social and health correlates of insomnia symptoms among middle- and older-age persons in rural South Africa . Journal of Psychology in Africa . 28(6):472-478. Pengpid, S. & Peltzer, K. (2018) Prevalence, social and health correlates of physical inactivity among community- dwelling older adults in Indonesia. African Journal for Physical Activity and Health Sciences (AJPHES) . 24(1):15-27. Pengpid, S. & Peltzer, K. (2018) Religiosity and body mass index and waist circumference among male and female university students from 26 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. Gender and Behaviour . 16(3):11829-11838. Pengpid, S. & Peltzer, K. (2018) Sexual behaviour and its correlates among adolescents in Brunei Darussalam. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health . May:Online. Pengpid, S. & Peltzer, K. (2018) The prevalence and social determinants of fruit and vegetable consumption among adults in Kenya: a cross-sectional national population-based survey, 2015. PanAfrican Medical Journal . 31:Online. Pengpid, S. & Peltzer, K. (2018) The prevalence of edentulism and their related factors in Indonesia, 2014/15. BMC Oral Health . 18:Online. Pengpid, S. & Peltzer, K. (2018) Vigorous physical activity, perceived stress, sleep and mental health among university students from 23 low-and middle-income countries. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health . May:Online Pengpid, S. & Peltzer, K. (2019) Alcohol use among adults in Kenya: results from the National Non-Communicable Diseases Risk Factor survey, 2015. Journal of Psychology in Africa . 29(1):49-53. Pengpid, S. & Peltzer, K. (2019) Prevalence and predictors of current and former tobacco use among older adults in Indonesia. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention . 20:395-401. Pengpid, S., Peltzer, K. & Phaswana-Mafuya, N. (2018) Prevalence and correlates of physical activity among female and male adolescents and adults in South Africa. Gender and Behaviour . 16(1):11193-11206. Petersen, I. & Kruss, G. (2018) Promoting alignment between innovation policy and inclusive development in South Africa. Development Southern Africa . July:Online. Phaswana-Mafuya, N. & Peltzer, K. (2018) Breast and cervical cancer screening prevalence and associated factors among women in the South African general population. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention . 19(6):1465-1470. Phaswana-Mafuya, N. & Peltzer, K. (2018) Racial or ethnic health disparities among older adults in four population groups in South Africa. Annals of Global Health . 84(1):7-14. Phaswana-Mafuya, N., Peltzer, K. & Pengpid, S. (2018) Concurrent tobacco use and risky drinking in South Africa: results from the South African National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Journal of Psychology in Africa . 28(4):316-322. Prinsloo, C.H. & Harvey, J.C. (2018) The differing effect of language factors on science and mathematics achievement using TIMSS 2015 data: South Africa. Research in Science Education . October:Online. Reddy, P., Desai, R., Sifunda, S., Chalkidou, K., Hongoro, C., Macharia, W. & Roberts, H. (2018) “You travel faster alone, but further together”: learning from cross country collaboration from a British Council Newton Fund Grant. International Journal of Health Policy and Management . August:Online. Reygan, F. & Henderson, N. (2019) All bad?: experiences of aging among LGBT elders in South Africa. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development . March:Online. Rich, K., Desmond, C. & Makusha, T. (2018) Welfare measures and the composition of the bottom decile: the example of gender and extreme poverty in South Africa. Development Southern Africa . November:Online. Rochat, T.J., Houle, B., Stein, A., Pearson, R.M. & Bland, R.M. (2018) Prevalence and risk factors for child mental disorders in a population-based cohort of HIV-exposed and unexposed African children aged 7-11 years. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry . April:Online. Rodriquez, V.J., Matseke, G., Cook, R., Bellinger, S., Weiss, S.M., Alcaide, M.L., Peltzer, K., Patton, D., Lopez, M. & Jones, D.L. (2018) Infant development and pre- and post-partum depression in rural South African HIV-infected women. AIDS and Behavior . 22:1766-1774. Rodriquez, V.J., Peltzer, K., Matseke, G., Weiss, S.M., Shine, A. & Jones, D.L. (2018) Pre- and postnatal exposure to intimate partner violence among South African HIV- infected mothers and infant developmental functioning at 12 months of age. Archives of Women’s Mental Health . May:Online. Sanni, S., Hongoro, C., Ndinda, C. & Wisdom, J.P. (2018) Assessment of the multi-sectoral approach to tobacco control policies in South Africa and Togo. BMC Public Health . 18(1):Online. Sanni, S., Wisdom, J.P., Ayo-Yusuf, O.A. & Hongoro, C. (2018) Multi-sectoral approach to non-communicable disease prevention policy in sub-Saharan Africa: a conceptual framework for analysis. International Journal of Infectious Diseases . May:Online. Scheba, A. (2018) Market-based conservation for better livelihoods?: the promises and fallacies of REDD+ in Tanzania. Land . 7:Online. HSRC INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19 / 155