HSRC Integrated Annual Report 2018/2019

Sekgala, M.D., Mchiza, Z.J., Parker, W. & Monyeki, K.D. (2018) Dietary fiber intake and metabolic syndrome risk factors among young South African Adults. Nutrients . 10:Online. Sekgala, M.D., Monyeki, K.D., Mogale, A., Mchiza, Z.J., Parker, W., Choma, S.R. & Makgopa, H.M. (2018) The risk of metabolic syndrome as a result of lifestyle among Ellisras rural young adults. Journal of Human Hypertension . June:Online. Shapiro, A.E., Van Heerden, A., Schaafsma, T.T., Hughes, J.P., Baeten, J.M., Van Rooyen, H., Tumwesigye, E., Celum, C.L. & Barnabas, R.V. (2018) Completion of the tuberculosis care cascade in a community-based HIV linkage-to-care study in South Africa and Uganda. Journal of the International AIDS Society . 21:Online. Sharp, C., Penner, F., Marais, L. & Skinner, D. (2019) School connectedness as psychological resilience factor in children affected by HIV/AIDS. AIDS Care . January:Online. Sinyolo, S. & Mudhara, M. (2018) The impact of social capital on entrepreneurship among smallholder farmers in rural South Africa. Journal of Rural Development . 37(3):519-538. Sinyolo, S. & Mudhara, M. (2018) Collective action and rural poverty reduction: empirical evidence from KwaZulu- Natal, South Africa. Agrekon . April:Online. Sinyolo, S. & Mudhara, M. (2018) Farmer groups and inorganic fertiliser use among smallholders in rural South Africa. South African Journal of Science . 114(5/6):Online. Sinyolo, S., Mudhara, M. & Wale, E. (2018) The role of social grants on commercialization among smallholder farmers in South Africa: evidence from a continuous treatment approach. Agribusiness . December:Online. Sinyolo, S.A., Sinyolo, S., Mudhara, M. & Ndinda, C. (2018) Gender differences in water access and household welfare among smallholder irrigators in Msinga local municipality, South Africa. Journal of International Women’s Studies . 19(5):129-146. Skeen, S., Prince, B., Van Rooyen, H., Tomlinson, M., Swartz, A., Colvin, C.J., Cooper, D., Cluver, L., Davidovich, O., Harding, R., Spire, B., Catalan, J., Hedge, B. & Sherr, L. (2018) What will it really take to end the HIV epidemic?. AIDS Care. 30(S2):Online. Soudien, C. (2018) Institutionalising racial segregation in the South African school: the School Board Act, 1905. Paedagogica Historica: International Journal of the History of Education . October:Online. Soudien, C. (2018) New accents on the social: thinking on South Africa’s history at UWC. South African Historical Journal . June:Online. Soudien, C. (2018) The significance of new humanism for education and development. Prospects . November:Online. Stein, A., Dalton, L., Rapa, E., Bluebond-Langner, M., Hanington, L., Stein, K.F., Ziebland, S., Rochat, T., Harrop, E., Kelly, B. & Bland, R. (2019) Communication with children and adolescents about the diagnosis of a life-threatening condition in their parent. The Lance t. 393:1150-1163. Steyn Kotze, J. & Bohler-Muller, N. (2018) ‘Let’s talk about sex’: the state of gender in IORA for a future agenda. Journal of the Indian Ocean Region . March:Online. Sui, X., Massar, K., Kessels, L.T.E., Reddy, P.S., Ruiter, R.A.C. & Sanders-Phillips, K. (2018) Violence exposure in South African adolescents: differential and cumulative effects on psychological functioning. Journal of Interpersonal Violence . July:Online. Swart, M. (2018) “The closing of the ICTY”: current developments. African Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law . 1:Online. Swartz, S. & Nyamnjoh, A. (2018) Research as freedom: using a continuum of interactive, participatory and emancipatory methods for addressing youth marginality. HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies . 74(3):Online. Tolla, T., Essop, R., Fluks, L., Lynch, I., Makoae, M. & Moolman, B. (2018) Too young to have sex: conversations with very young adolescents about sex, dating and related decision-making. South African Journal of Child Health (SAJCH ). Special Issue:S32-S35. Torres, N.F., Chibi, B., Middleton, L.E., Solomon, V.P. & Mashamba-Thompson, T. (2018) Evidence of factors influencing self-medication with antibiotics in LMICs: a systematic scoping review protocol. Systematic Reviews . 7:Online. Torres, N.F., Middleton, L.E., Solomon, V.P., Chibi, B. & Mashamba-Thompson, T.P. (2019) Evidence of factors influencing self-medication with antibiotics in low and middle-income countries: a systematic scoping review. Public Health. 168:92-101. Traore, S.G., Fokou, G, Ndour, A.P.N., Yougbare, B., Kone, P., Alonso, S., Roesel, K., Bakou, S.N., Dao, D., Grace, D. & Bonfoh, B. (2018) Assessing knowledge, beliefs and practices related to the consumption of sheep and goat meat in Senegal. Global Food Security . 19:64-70. Turok, I. & Scheba, A. (2018) ‘Right to the city’ and the new urban agenda: learning from the right to housing. Territory, Politics, Governance . July:Online. Turok, I., Budlender, J. & Visagie, J. (2018) Urban ‘slums’ and social mobility. Development Policy Review . July:Online. Twalo, T. (2018) Challenges of knowledge production and knowledge use among researchers and policy-makers. Educational Action Research . April:Online. Visagie, J. (2018) Measuring regional labour markets in South Africa: how robust are sub-national estimates from the Quarterly Labour Force Survey?. Development Southern Africa . September:Online. Visser, M.M., Juan, A.L. &Hannan, S.M. (2019) Early learning experiences, school entry skills and later mathematics achievement in South Africa. South African Journal of Childhood Education . 9(1):Online. Williams, L.D., Aber, J.L. & Van Heerden, A.C. (2018) The multilevel relationships of HIV-related stigma to child and caregiver mental health among HIV-affected households in South Africa. American Journal of Community Psycholog y. October:Online. PART F: RESEARCH OUTPUTS – 2018/19 156 / HSRC INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19