HSRC Integrated Annual Report 2018/2019

Kaunda, C.J. (2018) A ritual of resistance, a weapon of the marginalised: towards transformative Eucharistic missiology. In: Siwila, L.C. & Hewitt, R.R. (eds). Liturgy & identity: African religio-cultural and ecumenical perspectives . Pietermaritzburg: Cluster Publications. 90-104. Kaunda, C.J. (2018) Urban immigrant pentecostal missiology: the case of an immigrant Zambian pentecostal pastor in South Africa. In: Kaunda, C.J. & Hewitt, R.R. (eds). Who is an African?: race, identity, and destiny in post-apartheid South Africa . London: Lexington Books. 255-273. Kaunda, M.M. & Kaunda, C.J. (2018) Rituals of female solidarity: the role of Imbusa in promoting social cohesion among married women in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. In: Kaunda, C.J. & Hewitt, R.R. (eds). Who is an African?: race, identity, and destiny in post-apartheid South Africa . London: Lexington Books. 193-205. Kerr, P. & Luescher, T. (2018) Students’ experiences of university life beyond the curriculum. In: Ashwin, P. & Case, J.M. (eds). Higher education pathways: South African undergraduate education and the public goo d. Cape Town: African Minds. 216-307. Kruss, G. &Petersen, I. (2019) A framework for understanding capabilities for skills development in sectoral systems of innovation. In: Kruss, G., Wildschut, A. & Petersen, I. S kills for the future: new research perspectives . Cape Town: HSRC Press. 94-107. Kruss, G. & Wildschut, A. (2019) The need for new kinds of research. In: Kruss, G., Wildschut, A. & Petersen, I. Skills for the future: new research perspec tives. Cape Town: HSRC Press. 3-11. Kruss, G., McGrath, S., Petersen, I. & Gastrow, M. (2019) Higher Education and economic development: the importance of building technological capabilities. In: Kruss, G., Wildschut, A. & Petersen, I. Skills for the future: new research perspectives . HSRC Press. 135-145. Kruss, G., Wildschut, A. & Petersen, I. (2019) Skills planning and development for the future in Africa. In: Kruss, G., Wildschut, A. & Petersen, I. Skills for the future: new research perspectives . Cape Town: HSRC Press. 146-149. Lekaba, F. (2018) Reconfiguring the Ezulwnini consensus in pursuit of the United Nations Security Council reform. In: Mutanga, S., Simelane, T., Gumbo, T. & Mujuru, M. (eds). Africa at a crossroads: future prospects for Africa after 50 years of the Organisation of African Unity/African Union . Pretoria: Africa Institute of South Africa. 151-170. Lynch, I., Morison, T., Macleod, C.I., Mijas, M., Du Toit, R. & Seemanthini, S. (2018) From deviant choice to feminist issue: an historical analysis of scholarship on voluntary childlessness (1920-2013). In: Sappleton, N. (ed). Voluntary and involuntary childlessness: the joys of otherhood? . Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing. Online. Makusha, T. & Richter, L. (2018) Father involvement in the first 1,000 days. In: Van den Berg, W. &Makusha, T. State of South Africa’s fathers 2018 . Cape Town: Sonke Gender Justice and Human Sciences Research Council. 49-64. Makusha, T., Van den Berg, W. & Lewaks, A. (2018) Conclusions. In: Van den Berg, W. & Makusha, T. State of South Africa’s fathers 2018 . Cape Town: Sonke Gender Justice and Human Sciences Research Council. 76-78. Managa, L.R. & Madise, T.L. (2019) The agricultural sector in realisation of the objectives of the National Development Plan (NDP): closing the gap. In: April, Y.F. & Owusu-Sekyere, E. (eds). Economic development, the role of a developmental state: South Africa and South Korea . Pretoria: Africa Institute of South Africa. 20-30. Mapadimeng, M.S. (2018) Education, skills, economy and youth unemployment in South Africa. In: Dwyer, T., Gorshkov, M.K., Modi, I., Li, C. &Mapadimeng, M.S. (eds). Handbook of the sociology of youth in BRICS countries . New Jersey: World Scientific. 721-732. Mapadimeng, M.S. (2018) Review of historical and contemporary concepts and theoretical assumptions in youth studies of South Africa. In: Dwyer, T., Gorshkov, M.K., Modi, I., Li, C. &Mapadimeng, M.S. (eds). Handbook of the sociology of youth in BRICS countries . New Jersey: World Scientific. 85-96. Mapadimeng, M.S. & Govender, J. (2018) Conclusion on South African youth and future prospects. In: Dwyer, T., Gorshkov, M.K., Modi, I., Li, C. &Mapadimeng, M.S. (eds). Handbook of the sociology of youth in BRICS countries . New Jersey: World Scientific. 925-932. Martinez-Mullen, C. &Mapadimeng, M.S. (2019) Leisure and consumption: youth escapism in South Africa through illegal substances. In: Dwyer, T., Gorshkov, M.K., Modi, I., Li, C. & Mapadimeng, M.S. (eds). Handbook of the sociology of youth in BRICS countries . New Jersey: World Scientific. 405-416. Masilela, T., Rule, S. & Adams, R. (2019) ‘Accounting’ for migrants in inequality and the future: the distance to openness. In: Soudien, C., Reddy, V. & Woolard, I. (eds ). The state of the nation: poverty & inequality: diagnosis, prognosis and responses . Cape Town: HSRC Press. 137-166. Mthembu, J., Khan, G. & Manengela, T. (2018) Achieving 90-90-90: a focus on sero-discordant couples. In: Okware, S.I. (ed). Advances in HIV and AIDS control . London: Intech Open Access. 29-41. Mutanga, S. (2018) Science and technology. In: Mutanga, S., Simelane, T., Gumbo, T. & Mujuru, M. (eds). Africa at a crossroads: future prospects for Africa after 50 years of the Organisation of African Unity/African Union . Pretoria: Africa Institute of South Africa. 5-7. Mutanga, S. & Gumbo, T. (2018) Conclusion. In: Mutanga, S., Simelane, T., Gumbo, T. & Mujuru, M. (eds). Africa at a crossroads: future prospects for Africa after 50 years of the Organisation of African Unity/African Union . Pretoria: Africa Institute of South Africa. 227-228. Mutanga, S. & Simelane, T. (2018) Introduction. In: Mutanga, S., Simelane, T., Mujuru, M. & Gumbo, T. (eds). Africa at a crossroads: future prospects for Africa after 50 years of the Organisation of African Unity/African Union . Pretoria: Africa Institute of South Africa. 1-3. Ngidi, N.D., Khumalo, S., Essack, Z & Groenewald, C. (2018) Pictures speak for themselves: youth engaging through photovoice to describe sexual violence in their community. In: Mitchell, C. & Moletsane, R. (eds). Disrupting shameful legacies: girls and young women speak back through the arts to address sexual violence . (Doing arts thinking: arts practice, research and education; v. 4). Leiden: BRILL. 81-109. HSRC INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19 / 161