HSRC Integrated Annual Report 2018/2019

Sooklal, A., Simelane, T. & Anand, J. (2018) Merging two developmental visons: Africa’s agenda 2063 and China’s one belt one road. In: Simelane, T. & Managa, L. (eds). Belt and road initiative: alternative development path for Africa . Pretoria: Africa Institute of South Africa. 159-160. Soudien, C. (2018) Becoming and being an academic in the post-apartheid university. In: Du Preez, P. & Simmonds, S. (eds). A scholarship of doctoral education on becoming a researcher . Stellenbosch: SUN Media. 11-31. Soudien, C. (2018) Foreword: towards a new sociology of higher education: South African offerings. In: Pattman, R. & Pattman, R. (eds). Transforming transformation in research and teaching at South African universities . Stellenbosch: SUN Media. i-iv. Soudien, C. (2018) Of hills and flats: partnering and learning in a South African school-university setting. In: Silbert, P., Galvaan, R. & Clark, J. Partnerships in action: university-school-community . Cape Town: HSRC Press. vii-xv. Soudien, C. (2018) Southern struggles over “knowing” and their significance for the politics of global citizenship. In: Shultz, L. & Pillay, T. (eds). Global citizenship, common wealth and uncommon citizenships . (Comparative and international education: a diversity of voices; vol. 47). Leiden: BRILL. 125-140. Soudien, C. (2019) Unconditionally human?: decolonising human rights. In: Roux, C. & Becker, A. (eds). Human rights literacy: future directions . London: Springer. 53-77. Soudien, C., Reddy, V. & Woolard, I. (2019) South Africa 2018: the state of the discussion on poverty and inequality. In: Soudien, C., Reddy, V. & Woolard, I. (eds). The state of the nation: poverty & inequality: diagnosis, prognosis and responses . Cape Town: HSRC Press. 1-28. Soudien, C., Woolard, I. & Reddy, V. (2019) Poverty and inequality: a preliminary postscript. In: Soudien, C., Reddy, V. & Woolard, I. (eds). The state of the nation: poverty & inequality: diagnosis, prognosis and responses . Cape Town: HSRC Press. 313-318. Ssengooba, F. & Hongoro, C. (2018) Framing the determinants of health and well-being for universal health coverage. In: Ssengooba, F., Kiwanuka, S.N., Rutebemberwa, E. & Ekirapa-Kiracho, E. (eds). Universal health coverage in Uganda: looking back and forward to speed up the progress . Kampala: University of Makerere. 3-23. Turok, I. (2018) African urbanisation: will compact cities deliver shared and sustainable prosperity?. In: Paasi, A., Harrison, J. & Jones, M. (eds). Handbook on the geographies of regions and territorie s. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. 358-370. Turok, I. (2018) Worlds apart: spatial inequalities in South Africa. In: Smith, M.N. (ed). Confronting inequality: the South African crisis . Johannesburg: Jacana Media. 129-151. Wildschut, A. (2019) Work futures for artisans and technicians. In: Kruss, G., Wildschut, A. & Petersen, I. Skills for the future: new research perspectives . Cape Town: HSRC Press. 61-78. Wildschut, A. & Kruss, G. (2018) Challenges to agency in workplaces and implication for VET: mechatronics artisans in the automotive sector. In: McGrath, S., Mulder, M., Papier, J. & Suart, R. (eds). Handbook of vocational education and training: developments in the changing world of work . London: Springer. Online. Wildschut, A. & Kruss, G. (2019) Workplace-based learning programmes and transition to the labour market. In: Rogan, M. (ed). Post-school education and the labour market in South Africa . Cape Town: HSRC Press. 197-221. Wildschut, A. &Meyer, T. (2019) The boundaries of artisanal work and occupations in South Africa, and their relation to inequality. In: Kruss, G., Wildschut, A. & Petersen, I. Skills for the future: new research perspectives . Cape Town: HSRC Press. 48-60. Wildschut, A. &Meyer, T. (2019) Work change, occupational milieus and their impact on skills requirements. In: Kruss, G., Wildschut, A. & Petersen, I. Skills for the future: new research perspect ives. Cape Town: HSRC Press. 32-47. Van den Berg, W. & Makusha, T. (2018) Introduction. In: Van den Berg, W. & Makusha, T. State of South Africa’s fathers 201 8. Cape Town: Sonke Gender Justice and Human Sciences Research Council. 5-12. Non-Scholarly Chapters in Books (Not Counted towards ADEPTS) Scheibe, A., Van der Merwe, L.L-A., Cloete, A. & Grasso, M.A. (2018) Transgender women outreach workers and their role in South Africa’s response. In: South African Health Review 2018. Durban: Health Systems Trust. 69-76. Client and Other Research Reports Bank, L.J., Patterson, M., Ndinda, C. & Hart, T. (2018) Evaluating interventions by the Department of Human Settlements to facilitate access to the city by the poor (Ref:VA 50/259): summary report. (Commissioned by the Department of Human Settlements and the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, November). Bank, L.J., Paterson, A., Ndinda, C. & Hart, T. (2018) Evaluating interventions by the Department of Human Settlements to facilitate access to the city by the poor (Ref:VA 50/259): final report. Bohler-Muller, N. &Wheeler, J. (eds). (2018) Improving active citizenship: six South African case studies. (Prepared for the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development, South Africa, December). Chaminuka, P., Gumede, N.A., Masemola, M., Maziya, M. & Mdlulwa, Z. (2018) Summary of socio-economic integration in vaccine development research. (Commissioned by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), September). Chiumbu, S., Maziya, M. & Gumede, N.A. (2018) An assessment of the policy framework and value chain analysis for livestock vaccines in South Africa. (Commissioned by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC)). HSRC INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19 / 163