HSRC Integrated Annual Report 2018/2019

4IR 4 th Industrial Revolution ADEPTS A – Advancing knowledge and scientific excellence D – Developing collaborative networks and applied research on poverty and Inequality E – Enhancing research skills and public awareness P – Preserving and sharing data for further analysis T – Institutional transformation S – Financial sustainability AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome AISA Africa Institute of South Africa ARC Audit and Risk Committee ART Antiretroviral Treatment AU African Union AYGS Africa Young Graduate Scholars CASS Chinese Academy of Social Sciences CEO Chief Executive Officer CeSTII Centre for Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators CHW Community Health Workers CODESRIA Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa CSOs Civil Society Organisations DBE Department of Basic Education DGSD Democracy, Governance and Service Delivery DHET Department of Higher Education and Training DHHS US-based Department of Health and Human Services DST Department of Science and Technology EAP Employee Assistance Programme EPD Economic Performance and Development eRKC eResearch Knowledge Centre ESD Education and Skills Development EU European Union FWA Federal-wide Assurance GSA Genders and Sexualities in Africa HAST HIV/AIDS, TB and STI HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus HSD Human and Social Development HSRC Human Sciences Research Council IBSS International Bibliography of the Social Sciences IDEA International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance IEC Independent Electoral Commission IORA Indian Ocean Rim Association ISI International Scientific Indexing IT Information Technology LMIP Labour Market Intelligence Partnership MBA Master of Business Administration MoU Memorandum of Understanding MSM Men who have Sex with Men MTEF Medium Term Expenditure Framework MTSF Medium Term Strategic Framework NACI National Advisory Council on Innovation NCD Non-communicable Disease NDP National Development Plan NGO Non-governmental Organisation NHREC National Health Research Ethics Council A c r o n y m s a n d A b b r e v i a t i o n s 166 / HSRC INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19