HSRC Integrated Annual Report 2018/2019

Projects with Impact Through a contract with the Buffalo City Municipality Development Agency (BCMDA), EPD worked with city officials, business leaders and university stakeholders to formulate a framework for creating a ‘Buffalo City Knowledge and Innovation District’ as a City Improvement District (CID) in the inner city. It is linked to the arrival of 5G connectivity in Buffalo City in 2019. A budgeted plan for the roll-out of the district was included in the metro’s Built Environment Performance Plan, which will take effect in 2019. EPD staff have been working directly with members and officials of the Durban City Planning Commission to develop a long-term plan for eThekwini in order to counter the city’s relative decline and major socio- economic challenges. Key pillars of the plan include Prof. Ivan Turok, Executive Director: EPD addressing the Shape Durban Conference, 21–23 November 2018 growing and transforming the economy, integrating the spatial structure and improving governance across the city. For example, the governance pillar covers the development of visionary and credible leadership; partnering with business and civil society stakeholders; introducing a citizen’s charter and building competence and capacity with the municipality. EPD staff have been working with NGOs in Luanda (Angola) and Durban (South Africa) on a sustainable approach to upgrading overcrowded informal settlements, funded by the International Science Council (ISC) and the Network of African Science Academies (NASAC). The research programme, entitled ‘Leading Integrated Research for Agenda 2030 in Africa’ (LIRA), encourages transdisciplinary methods and the development of early career scientists in Africa. The project is focused on evaluating options for incremental densification of informal settlements – building upwards rather than outwards in order to free up space at ground level for people to circulate, for the provision of vital public services and for economic and social activities. The Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) provides unemployed women, youth and the disabled with an opportunity to earn an income and to gain work experience and skills training to improve their job prospects. EPD researchers have been working with the International Labour Organisation and the Department of Public Works to improve the design and development of a Strategic Plan for Phase 4 of the EPWP (2019–24). EPD undertook a diagnostic review of Phase 3 and a national stakeholder engagement to solicit inputs for Phase 4. The work was submitted to Cabinet in November 2018 and the Strategic Plan for EPWP Phase 4 was adopted by the relevant Cabinet Committee in February 2019. Phase 4 will include a stronger monitoring and evaluation system to assess the outcomes of the services and assets delivered as a result of EPWP interventions. EPD researchers were subsequently asked to develop a 5-year Sector Plan for the Environment and Culture Sector EPWP. HSRC INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19 / 23