HSRC Integrated Annual Report 2018/2019

eRKC Profile The eRKC is a research enabler that provides innovative knowledge services to the HSRC’s research community and its stakeholders. The unit enhances the HSRC’s research capability through information provision, geospatial analytics and digital curation by focusing on: • Facilitating access to information and knowledge through the provision of high-quality, trusted resources and services; • Facilitating access to accredited information; • Increasing research visibility and discovery; • Caring for the intellectual output of the organisation; • Monitoring the impact of research; • Raising awareness and building eResearch knowledge production capability; • Developing established approaches, methods and capacity in the use of new data sources and innovative data intensive research; and • Participating in research projects using new data sources and innovative data intensive research methods. This is achieved within an eResearch context that is characterised by rapid global technological change and innovation in the research environment – taking cognisance of the opportunities and challenges related to Open Science, data intensive research, access to vast quantities of digital information resources and tools, as well as the importance of demonstrating increased research impact. The eRKC is a partner in the research endeavour through embedded knowledge services that contribute to the realisation of the strategic research goals of the HSRC. Impact Enabling the Research Processes of the HSRC through Information Support Services, Geospatial Analytics Services, and Digital Curation Services The eRKC facilitates sustainable electronic access to the HSRC library collection in print and electronic format, the Research and Data output collections of the HSRC, and a comprehensive collection of subscribed and Open Access eResources. In an era of easy access to potentially fake information, the unit supports the research and study endeavours of HSRC staff through literature research support as well as retrieval and supply services of relevant, trusted information resources. By using geospatial tools and analysis, the eRKC provides insight and spatial understanding to socio- economic challenges. Sample design advice, spatial data-analysis, and mapping services enable HSRC researchers and the public at large, and enhance the HSRC research output. Through its digital preservation services, the centre manages and shares the HSRC’s research data and output collections with the HSRC and the broader research community. Through these endeavours, the unit advocates best practices in terms of information, data management and use. Enabling an Assessment of Research Impact By carrying out citation analysis through credible databases, it is possible to determine the citation count in respect of all published journal articles authored by HSRC staff. The process entails the identification of all accredited journal articles produced by the HSRC that had a citation count of 10 or more in the five years prior to the current financial year- end. For purposes of this reporting period, citation counts of articles published in the five-year period 2013/14–2017/18 were investigated and reported. The abstract and citation analysis tool, Scopus, was used to track citations between publications for the 866 accredited journal articles retrieved from the Research Management System (RMS). The final report indicated that 171 of the 866 articles on Scopus had a citation count of 10 or more, measured over a five-year period. The outcome of the report provided the level of the HSRC’s impact within the Humanities and Social Science arena. It also indicated areas of improvement and growth. It should, however, be noted that a high citation count can be relative because it can be influenced by various factors such as a topical issue at hand. The period of publication also has bearing, meaning that to some extent, the longer the article has been available the higher the chances are of it being cited. PART B: PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW eRESEARCH KNOWLEDGE CENTRE (eRKC) 30 / HSRC INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19