HSRC Integrated Annual Report 2018/2019

Profile of HSD The HSD Programme is amultidisciplinary programme that conducts social science and humanities research addressing the development of vulnerable individuals over the life course and across generations. In addressing questions relating to human and social development, the programme explores how diversity in race, gender, class, culture, language and identity shape the trajectories of individuals, couples and families – over the life course. Research outputs acknowledge that to build a socially cohesive South African society requires an investigation of our divided history, marginal sexualities, moral values, and views regarding justice, equity, restitution, and reconciliation. An exciting mix of disciplines, theoretical and methodological rigour and innovation, drawn from anthropology, cultural studies, demography, economics, education, psychology and sociology, allow the research team to produce evidence-based knowledge that helps to promote understanding while developing interventions for individual and social change. The programme generates evidence to inform the choices and decisions of policy makers and practitioners in responding to South Africa’s broad human and social development challenges. This work is driven by a focus on two broad thematic areas viz., (i) Children, Youth and Communities, and (ii) Families, Sexualities and Belonging. HUMAN AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT (HSD) PART B: PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW Figure 16: Life cycle Policies; broader social, structural and health conditions Living & working conditions Social, family & community network Individual behavior Individual traits: age, sex, race & biological factors LIFE COURSE 36 / HSRC INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19