HSRC Integrated Annual Report 2018/2019

PART B: PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW HSRC Press Scholarly Books Best Red Theorising Education Wayne Hugo Back to black: Retelling Black radicalism for the 21 st Century Kehinde Andrews Principle and Pragmatism in the Liberation Struggle: A Political Biography of Selby Msimang Sibongiseni Mkhize Taxing Africa: Coercion Reform and Development Moore et al Post-school Education and the Labour Market in South Africa Mike Rogan Equitable Rural Socioeconomic Change Peter Jacobs City of Broken Dreams: Myth making, Nationalism and the University in an African Motor City Leslie Bank Partnerships in Action Patti Silbert, Jon Clark Black Academic Voices: The South African Experience Khonou, Phaswana, Khoza- Shangase and Canham Independence and Revolution in Portuguese-speaking Africa: Aquino de Braganca Colin Darch State of the Nation – Inequality and Poverty: Diagnosis, Prognosis and Responses Soudien, Reddy and Woolard 44 / HSRC INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19