HSRC Integrated Annual Report 2018/2019

Performance against Predetermined Objectives Performance against ADEPTS Targets Set in the Annual Performance Plan 2018/19 The following table presents a summary of performance against targets for the year ending on 31 March 2019. It is prepared in line with the National Treasury guidelines for performance reporting issued in August 2011. In response to a request from DST, additional information (i.e. alignment with entity mandated objectives and priorities in the National Development Plan (NDP) is provided in Table 1, which contains explanations of positive and negative deviations. In the year under review the Corporate Communications team continued to profile the work of the HSRC internally and through external communication platforms. This included interactions with the media, the creative use of digital platforms and audio-visual products. Over the period 1 April – 31 March 2019, the value (Advertising Value Equivalent, AVE) of the strategic communication programme amounted to R158 650 864. This continues to emphasise the value of the work of the HSRC to media and other stakeholders who can be reached through public communication platforms. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION OF THE VALUE OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES S t r a t e g i c P e r f o r m a n c e HSRC INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19 / 45