HSRC Integrated Annual Report 2018/2019

Key to performance information report Target met at the end of the reporting period. Target not met at the end of the reporting period. Table 1: Major Variances between Planned and Actual Outputs for the Period Ending 31 March 2019 Indicator ref. No. Performance indicator description Contribution to the national priority/entity mandate Cumulative target (for the year) Cumulative output (for the year) Variance <over/ (under)> Challenges/comments Response to challenges/ remedial action 1 A – Advancing knowledge and scientific excellence For all of the indicators related to strategic outcome oriented goal “A”, contributions are made towards addressing: NDP priorities: 9, 13 HSRC Act: Section 3(a) Objective 1A: Disseminating of knowledge through publications and public dialogue 1.1 Peer-reviewed journal articles (acknowledged journals) per researcher (Programme 2: RDI) NDP priorities: 9, 13 HSRC Act: Section 3(a) 0.9 1.06 (189/179) 0.16 It is not always easy to predict whether or when an externally-reviewed journal article will be published. Higher performance seen in a positive light, and came at no additional monetary cost to the HSRC. No remedial action required. 1.2 Scholarly books published (Programme 2: RDI) NDP priorities: 9, 13 HSRC Act: Section 3(a) 14 18 4 It is not always easy to predict exactly when an externally-published book will be released. Higher performance seen in a positive light, and came at no additional monetary cost to the HSRC. No remedial action required. 1.3 Scholarly book chapters published (Programme 2: RDI) NDP priorities: 9, 13 HSRC Act: Section 3(a) 54 93 39 It is not always easy to predict exactly when a book (and therefore also book chapter) will be released. Higher performance seen in a positive light, and came at no additional monetary cost to the HSRC. No remedial action required. 1.4 HSRC research seminars convened (Programme 2: RDI) NDP priorities: 9, 13 HSRC Act: Section 3(a) 40 51 11 A high target has been set for the year, hence all relevant seminar opportunities are pursued. The over-achievement represents a small positive variance and came at no additional monetary cost to the HSRC. No remedial action required. 1.5 HSRC Review publications produced (Programme 2: RDI) NDP priorities: 9, 13 HSRC Act: Section 3(a) 4 4 0 N/a N/a PART B: PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW 46 / HSRC INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19