HSRC Integrated Annual Report 2018/2019

Indicator ref. No. Performance indicator description Contribution to the national priority/entity mandate Cumulative target (for the year) Cumulative output (for the year) Variance <over/ (under)> Challenges/comments Response to challenges/ remedial action Objective 1B: Informing effective formulation of government policy 1.6 Policy briefs produced and published (Programme 2: RDI) NDP priorities: 9, 13 HSRC Act: Section 3(a) 10 13 3 It is not always easy to predict exactly when a policy brief will be released. Higher performance seen in a positive light, and came at no additional monetary cost to the HSRC. No remedial action required. 1.7 Public dialogues on poverty and inequality hosted (Programme 1: Admin) NDP priorities: 9, 13 as well as NDP triple challenges of poverty, inequality and unemployment HSRC Act: Section 3(a), 3(f) 4 4 0 N/a N/a 1.8 Number of peer- reviewed journal articles by HSRC author or authors with at least 10 citations listed within 5 years from publication (Programme 1: Admin) NDP priorities: 9, 13 HSRC Act: Section 3(a) 8 171 163 This is a new indicator, with no benchmarks available to help us set initial targets. The positive deviation is an indication of academic impact, and came at no cost to the HSRC. Positive deviation is commendable. Not applicable 2 D – Developing collaborative networks and applied research For all of the indicators related to strategic outcome oriented goal “D”, contributions are made towards addressing: NDP priorities: 3, 7, 9, 13 HSRC Act: Section 3(d), 3(e) Objective 2A: Supporting collaborative research networks 2.1 HDIs with which HSRC has actively collaborated during the reporting period (Programme 2: RDI) NDP priorities: 3, 7, 9, 13 HSRC Act: Section 3(d), 3(e) 5 6 1 Collaboration with HDIs is encouraged. Positive deviation came at no additional cost to the HSRC. No remedial action required. HSRC INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19 / 47