HSRC Integrated Annual Report 2018/2019

Indicator ref. No. Performance indicator description Contribution to the national priority/entity mandate Cumulative target (for the year) Cumulative output (for the year) Variance <over/ (under)> Challenges/comments Response to challenges/ remedial action Objective 3B: Building research capacity for the human sciences 3.4 Completed master’s level research internship (Programme 2: RDI) NDP priorities: 3, 9, 13 HSRC Act: Section 3(b), 3(c) and 3(d) 6 10 4 It is not easy to predict how many interns will complete their degree programme during a particular year. The HSRC is committed to building research capacity and a positive deviation is deemed to be commendable. No remedial action required. 3.5 Completed PhD level research internship Programme 2: RDI) NDP priorities: 3, 9, 13 HSRC Act: Section 3(b), 3(c) and 3(d) 8 4 (4) It is not easy to predict how many interns will complete their degree programme during a particular year. The HSRC is committed to building research capacity and expect that more degrees will be completed in future years. Ongoing monitoring and support of PhD students. Objective 3C: Raising awareness of opportunities and contributions in social science and humanities research 3.6 Training academy (“winter/summer school” or methodology workshop) hosted (Programme 1: Admin) NDP priorities: 3, 9, 13 HSRC Act: Section 3(b), 3(c) and 3(d) 2 2 0 N/a N/a 4 P – Preserving and sharing data for further analysis For all of the indicators related to strategic outcome oriented goal “P”, contributions are made towards addressing: NDP priorities: 9, 13 HSRC Act: Section 3(g) Objective 4A: Preserving research data and artefacts 4.1 Preserved data sets (Programme 2: RDI) NDP priorities: 9, 13 HSRC Act: Section 3(g) 10 23 13 The curation process takes time, hence early delivery is important. A positive deviation is deemed commendable. Additional funding was obtained from the IEC to curate data sets related to earlier surveys. No remedial action required. Objective 4B: Managing and promoting secondary use of research data 4.2 Unique downloads of curated data sets (Programme 1: Admin) NDP priorities: 9, 13 HSRC Act: Section 3(g) 472 661 189 The number of downloads cannot be predicted or directly managed. A positive deviation is seen as commendable, and was achieved at no additional cost to the HSRC. No remedial action required. HSRC INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19 / 49