HSRC Integrated Annual Report 2018/2019

Indicator ref. No. Performance indicator description Contribution to the national priority/entity mandate Cumulative target (for the year) Cumulative output (for the year) Variance <over/ (under)> Challenges/comments Response to challenges/ remedial action 6 S – Financial Sustainability For all of the indicators related to strategic outcome oriented goal “S”, contributions are made towards addressing: NDP priorities:3, 13 HSRC Act: Section 4(2) Objective 6A: Ensuring financial sustainability by securing extra-parliamentary income 6.1 Extra-parliamentary income as percentage of total income (Programme 2: RDI) NDP priorities: 3, 13 HSRC Act: Section 4(2) 48% 45.54% (R220 881 000/ R484 997 000) (2.46%) It is very difficult to predict exact amounts to be earned and spent in a particular year. A deviation of (2.46%) is relatively small. Prudent financial management limited the size of the deficit for the year. No remedial action required. 6.2 Multi-year grants (Programme 2: RDI) NDP priorities: 3, 13 HSRC Act: Section 4(2) 56% 58.75% (47/80) 2.75% It is not easy to predict the balance between longer-and shorter-term grants. The HSRC, through the DST is trying to alert Treasury to specific challenges in government procurement regimes on long-term funding prospects of the HSRC. No additional remedial action required. HSRC INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19 / 51