HSRC Integrated Annual Report 2018/2019

• To ensure that HSRC practices comply with legislation relating to transformation, labour relations and occupational safety; • To ensure that the HSRC complies with all other relevant laws, regulations and codes of best business practice; and • To exercise leadership, enterprise, integrity and judgment in directing the affairs of the HSRC. Responsibilities The responsibilities of the Board are: • To appoint the chief executive officer (CEO) of the HSRC in accordance with the procedures laid down in section 10 of the Act; • To monitor the performance and effectiveness of the HSRC, the CEO and the other employees of the HSRC on the basis of predetermined performance indicators laid down by the Board, and to receive periodic reports from the CEO on the functioning and operations of the HSRC; • To serve as the ultimate employer of all HSRC employees. In this role the Board approves the general terms and conditions of employment, as well as structures for remuneration, allowances, subsidies and other benefits in accordance with such system as may be approved by the Minister with the concurrence of the Minister of Finance; • To approve acquisition and alienation of HSRC assets in accordance with the Act, and to regulate the commercialisation of the HSRC’s inventions; and • To establish policies and guidelines for the functioning of the HSRC. Board Charter The Board operates in terms of an approved Charter. The Charter sets out the terms of reference for the: • Appointment of the Board; • Responsibilities and duties of the Board; • Board authority; • Composition of the Board; • Meetings of the Board; and • Appointment of the chief executive officer. It also allows for an annual Board self-evaluation, which assists the Board in, inter alia , reflecting on its compliance with the Charter. The Charter is reviewed annually. Composition of the Board The Board is appointed by the Minister of Science and Technology and consists of • A chairperson designated by the Minister; • Not less than six and not more than nine other members; and • The CEO, who is a member of the Board by virtue of his or her office. The composition of the Board must be broadly representative of: • The demographics of the Republic; and • The various sectors in the field of the human sciences. At least one of the members appointed to the Board has financial expertise and at least one other member appointed to the Board is a distinguished representative of the social sciences research community in the rest of Africa. HSRC INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19 / 63