HSRC Integrated Annual Report 2018/2019

Board Sub-Committees The HSRC has constituted the following sub- committees to assist in its various oversight responsibilities: The Audit and Risk Committee (ARC) The ARC assists the Board in exercising fiduciary oversight over the assets of the HSRC. This committee is constituted in terms of section 51 (1)‌(a)‌(ii) of the PFMA. The ARC’s responsibilities includes oversight of integrated reporting, combined assurance, financial information, internal and external audit, risk management and legal and regulatory compliance. The Human Resources and Remuneration Committee The aim of the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee is to assist the HSRC Board in fulfilling its corporate governance responsibilities. In particular: • Determining, agreeing and developing the HSRC’s general policy on executive and senior management remuneration; • Determining specific remuneration packages for the executive of the HSRC; • Determining and negotiating annual wage increases of senior management (CEO, EDs, DEDs, Directors); • Giving amandate to themanagement team in order to conclude annual wage negotiations with the union in respect of staff below director level; and • Determining any criteria necessary to measure performance of executive directors in discharging their function and responsibilities. The Research Committee The Research Committee contributes to the development of the overall research portfolio and approach of the HSRC, by working withmanagement and staff to strengthen the research programme and supporting the CEO in terms of the HSRC’s re-orientating of its strategic direction. The Committee’s role in setting the research agenda includes, but is not limited to: • Identifying research gaps in the HSRC (e.g. humanities-centred research); • Capacity building; • Africa research agenda; • Research-policy nexus; and • The relevance of the organisation’s research focus areas. The Committee should also assist with strategies to improve journal article publications and research quality. Sub-Committee Attendance: 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019 Committee No. of meetings held No. of members Names of members Audit and Risk Committee 4 6 Ms Precious Sibiya Prof. Haroon Bhorat* Prof. Mark Bussin Mr Cedric Boltman Mr Peter Grant Mr Leon Moser Human Resources and Remuneration Committee 3 4 Prof. Mark Bussin Ms Nasima Badsha** Prof. Mvuyo Tom Prof. Lindiwe Zungu Research Committee 2 5 Prof. Relebohile Moletsane Ms Nasima Badsha*** Prof. Haroon Bhorat* Dr Abdalla Hamdok Prof. Crain Soudien * Member resigned effective 25 March 2019 ** Member until November 2018 *** Member since November 2018 PART C: GOVERNANCE 68 / HSRC INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19