HSRC Integrated Annual Report 2018/2019

Health, Safety and Environmental Issues Health and Safety The HSRC takes responsibility for promoting, implementing and encouraging high standards of health and safety in the workplace. Health and safety principles and practices are considered paramount in all planning, procurement, monitoring and decision-making processes. Policies and procedures are in place to ensure a safe and secure working environment, including: • The safeguarding of access to all premises; • The provision of safe and appropriate equipment and systems of work that limit and/or eliminate exposure to risks; and • The provision of information, instructions, training and supervision where necessary. During the year under review, the Occupational, Health and Safety (OHS) team developed and embedded proactive systems designed to raise awareness and, as far as is reasonably practicable, prevent or reduce the risk of harm occurring. These included: • The development of systems and procedures in risk assessments relating to slips, trips and falls, the highest root cause of workplace incidents; • Monthly OHS assessments and audits; • Regional office health and safety inspections and monitoring; • Audit follow-up activities to confirm that corrective actions were implemented to address risks identified during audits and inspections; and • National OHS awareness sessions. Incidents Incidents were recorded, investigated and where appropriate, corrective measures were implemented to prevent reoccurrence. The number of recorded incidents are set out in Figure 18. Slips, trips and falls remain the highest cause of incidents at the HSRC. Awareness sessions have been rolled out throughout the organisation to mitigate reoccurrence. Figure 18: Safety incidents recorded – 2018/19 Pretoria Slip, trips and falls Occupational disease Environmental Durban Sweetwater Cape Town 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 PART C: GOVERNANCE 72 / HSRC INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19