HSRC Integrated Annual Report 2018/2019

two HSRC-specific workshops dealing with aspects of research integrity were hosted in collaboration with experts from within the HSRC: • On 26 April 2018, a workshop on responsible recognition of authorship; and • On 7 December 2018, a workshop on responsible authorship, plagiarism, permissions and intellectual property. CSI and Stakeholder Relations A core working principle of the HSRC, while maintaining its independent identity, is to engender and build collaborations with relevant groupings including government, higher education institutions, donors, non-governmental organisations, the media and advocacy groups. Key regional, national and international partners have been identified as critical to enhance the profile of the HSRC and support the priorities of its research programmes. Strong links have been developed with the DST, NRF and other Science Councils to enable collaborative work and support key events and priorities of the respective institutions. In terms of internationalising the work of the HSRC, strong links have been developed with international embassies based in South Africa, international universities and research institutions. In addition, MoUs have been established with institutions in Africa to expand the HSRC’s regional footprint. Nationally: • SARIMA (29 May–1 June 2018) Johannesburg, South Africa; and • DST Science Forum (5–7 December 2018) CSIR, Pretoria. Regionally: • The 15 th General Assembly: Africa and the Crisis of Globalisation (17–21 December 2018) Dakar, Senegal; and • Mzumbe University. Internationally: • International AIDS Conference (23–27 July 2018) Amsterdam, Netherlands; • BRICS Centrewith Brics and African Development; and • WSSF 2018 (25–28 September 2018) Fukuoka, Japan. 22 nd International AIDS Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 23–27 July 2018 The HSRC facilitated and coordinated a Satellite Session at the International AIDS Conference (IAS) Conference in July 2018. Highlights of the Fifth South African Behaviour Sero-Surveillance and Media Survey (SABSSM V), were presented by Dr Sizulu Moyo, Prof. Leickness Simbayi and Ms Cheryl Dietrich. International stakeholders pledged their support to the HSRC for the continued work of monitoring the HIV epidemic. The Health MECs from South Africa who were present at the launch requested that the HSRC undertake a road show visiting all the provinces to speak about the results and to explore how this information can assist them in drawing up plans for their provinces. BRICS and African Development The HSRC, Nelson Mandela University and the Department of International Relations and Cooperation co-hosted an official BRICS Conference for South Africa’s BRICS Presidency of 2018 from 23–24 August in Port Elizabeth. The conference, titled ‘BRICS & African Development’, took place at the Nelson Mandela University Business School and focussed on the important role of development finance to act as a catalyst for BRICS economic partnerships in Africa. In supporting the BRICS priorities for South Africa’s presidency of BRICS, the conference set out to explore strategies and identify opportunities for partnerships amongst BRICS and African countries to tackle the following key challenges: • Develop strategies and partnerships in response to the economic developmental challenges for BRICS; • Develop Economic Partnerships and Strategies for the 4 th Industrial Revolution for BRICS and Africa; • Develop strategies to promote financial technologies in Africa; • Leverage our relationship with China to promote Africa’s Renaissance; • Develop strategies to address women and gender developmental disparities and inequalities in BRICS and Africa; and • Develop BRICS and African partnerships for health services. PART C: GOVERNANCE 76 / HSRC INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19