HSRC Integrated Annual Report 2018/2019

World Science Forum The HSRC, together with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) and Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA), jointly participated at the World Social Science Forum 2018, held in Fukuoka Japan from 25–28 September. The theme of the forum was ‘Security and Equality for Sustainable Futures’. This included issues of freedom, democracy, cyber- and bio-warfare, and the changing nature of conflict that highlights the complexity and interrelatedness of old and new threats to human security. Together with our partners, we held three panel discussions focussing on Inequality and Social Cohesion, Migration and Resilience and Ecological Civilization. Regional Engagement 15 th CODESRIA General Assembly The 15 th CODESRIA General Assembly took place from 17–21 December 2018 in Dakar, Senegal, under the theme ‘Africa and the Crisis of Globalisation’. Approximately 350 scholars, representing 35 countries, participated in the Assembly, which meets triennially. Held at the King Fahd Palace Hotel, the symposium was a combination of plenary sessions, special commemoratory sessions, parallel sessions and panels. The HSRC-sponsored panel, titled ‘Planning, Policy Processes and Africa’s Globalisation: Exploring the Social Impact’, included presentations by three colleagues from the HSRC. Prof. Modimowabarwa Hendrick Kanyane (DGSD-HSRC) spoke on the topic ‘Exploring governance and ethics architecture in making social impact: Challenges and Prospects’. Dr Edmore Marinda (RIA-HSRC) presented on ‘Government Programmes: measuring Impact’. Dr Olga Bialostocka (AISA-HSRC) presented on ‘Youth development policy and planning – negotiating globalisation in diverse social orders’. The panel was chaired by Prof. Cheryl Hendricks, executive director of AISA. Mzumbe University, Dar es Salaam Campus College Under the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Mzumbe University and the HSRC, a series of seminars on Systems Science and Systems Thinking were conducted from 19–28 February. This was funded by the South Africa National Research Foundation (NRF), under the Knowledge Interchange and Collaboration (KIC) funding mechanism. The seminars were facilitated by Dr Thokozani Simelane. The objective of the KIC is to build and maintain excellence in South African research as well as facilitate international collaboration in scientific events, while providing learning opportunities. HSRC INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19 / 77