HSRC Integrated Annual Report 2018/2019

Exits Seventy-nine employees left the employ of the HSRC during the year under review. Thirty-two (41%) of these employees’ contracts came to end and forty- three (54%) resigned. Ten of the employees who exited the HSRC were foreign nationals. The total number of South African citizens leaving the employ of the HSRC represents 87% of which 71% are African, 6% Coloured, 7% Indian, and 16% White. Employment Equity The HSRC is committed to transformation that reflects South African demographics and has set targets to monitor progress towards achieving this objective. All labour legislation is entrenched in the organisation’s policies, its strategies and processes, such as recruitment, employment equity (EE) best practices, and management of labour-related issues. The HSRC’s South African citizen staff complement consisted of 490 employees. Eighty seven (87%) were Black South Africans of which 66% were African, 14% were Coloured and 7% were Indian. Females represented 60% of these South African Citizens employed, and peoplewith disabilities represented 1%. The relevant EE reports were submitted to the Department of Labour and a new Employment Equity Plan was developed as the previous plan had reached its full term. The Employment Equity and Skills Committee met periodically and in-depth discussions were held in relation to equity matters as well as skills development matters. Table 2 reflects the HSRC’s staff complement as at 31 March 2019 according to occupational level, gender, race and nationality. Table 2: EE Profile Occupational Level Female Male Foreign Nationals Total A C I W Total A C I W Total F M Total Top Management - 3 1 3 7 3 1 - 2 6 - 1 1 14 Senior Management 4 2 2 6 14 3 1 1 5 10 1 4 5 29 Professional 14 13 10 14 51 12 9 5 12 38 12 23 35 124 Skilled 65 14 5 12 96 45 5 2 2 54 3 3 6 156 Semi-skilled 75 15 5 7 102 55 3 2 - 60 1 - 1 163 Unskilled 23 2 - - 25 25 2 - - 27 - - - 52 Total 181 49 23 42 295 143 21 10 21 195 17 31 48 538 Key: A = African; C = Coloured; I = Indian; W = White; F = Female; M = Male PART D: HUMAN RESOURCES 82 / HSRC INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19