HSRC Integrated Annual Report 2018/2019

Qualifications As a research institution, the HSRC values further development and education. Table 4 portrays NQF levels 9 and 10 qualification profiles of the HSRC as at 31 March 2019 in relation to all 538 employees. Seventeen percent (17%) of the employees held master’s degrees and 20% of employees held PhD or equivalent degrees. Table 4: NQF levels 9 an 10 profile of employees – 2018/19 Female Male Total NQF 9 – Master’s Degree 63 31 94 NQF 10 – PhD Degrees 47 61 108 Total 110 92 202 Employee Wellness In an effort to secure the skills of suitably qualified researchers, the HSRC recognises that great emphasis is needed on employeewellness to improve the organisation’s employee value proposition. The Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) is designed to enhance productivity and job performance by addressing the psychosocial, legal, financial and work-related challenges encountered by staff of the HSRC. Various awareness campaigns were conducted throughout the year and services such as financial coaching, will and estate planning, debt management and legal aid were offered. Feedback received from the EAP service provider indicated that work-related stressors, such as continuous high work volumes and/or workplace conflict impact negatively on a number of employees. Learning and Development The HSRC is dedicated to research capacity development. There were sixty-two (62) Researcher trainees in the employ of the HSRC, comprising twenty-one Master’s trainees, and forty-one (41) PhD researcher trainees as at 31 March 2019. The HSRC also employed 15 Post-Doctoral Fellows at 31 March 2019. Researcher trainees and Post-Doctoral fellows equated to 14% of the workforce. Over and above the Researcher Trainee Programme, accredited training was offered to administrative and research staff by external service providers. Two hundred and forty-two participants attended 12 in-house training interventions during the year under review. Table 3: Researcher Trainee Programme by Classification, Gender and Race A A Total C C Total I I Total W W Total Foreign Nationals Grand Total F M F M F M F M F M Total Master’s Research Intern 10 9 19 2  - 2  -  -  -  -  -  - - - - 21 PhD Research Intern 22 8 30 4 1 5 2  - 2 1  - 1 2 1 3 41 Post- Doctoral Fellow 2 1 3 1  - 1 3 1 4  - - - 1 6 7 15 Total 34 18 52 7 1 8 5 1 6 1 - 1 3 7 10 77 Key: A = African; C Coloured; I = Indian; W = White; F = Female; M = Male HSRC INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19 / 83