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HSRC Annual Report 2016/17

Business Innovation Survey (BIS)

The South African BIS is the second survey conducted by CeSTII for the DST. Three rounds of the survey, covering the

periods 2002–2004, 2005–2007 and 2010–2012, were conducted. Building from these results, and working closely

with the DST, in 2016 CeSTII embarked on a comprehensive review of the survey. This was aimed at reflecting on the

innovation theory and methodology underpinning the survey in the context of the review of the third edition of the

Oslo Manual, which is currently under way. The review also aimed to propose amendments to the survey instrument

and sample frame in line with developments across the South African economy.

Review process

The review process included three components:

Key recommendations for the fourth BIS

Recognise the limitations and value of

standard approaches

to innovation measurement

Oslo/CIS methodology should continue as

the framework

for innovation measurement in the

formal sector

DST and CeSTII should consider other, more

suitable methodologies to fill measurement gaps

PART B: Performance Overview




Internal critical self-assessment

External review by a specialist consultant, incorporating

an international comparative perspective

The oversight of a BIS Review Steering Committee

consisting of stakeholders such as the National Advisory

Council on Innovation (NACI), Statistics South Africa, the

Technology Innovation Agency (TIA), and the DST