
The HSRC is working together with partners in the planning and implementation of the 6th national household survey funded by the the US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) through the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (Cooperative Agreement #GH001629).

The survey is the sixth in a series of population-based, cross-sectional household survey conducted in South Africa designed to assess the level of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and related health indicators. This multi-stage cluster survey of up to 85 000 randomly selected households in South Africa will provide representative data for some of the 52 districts.  About 39 000 study participants will be sampled from 15,000 households identified in the national sampling frame as described in the previous surveys. Additional sampling of households will be conducted to produce data that is representative at the finally sampled districts. SABSSM VI will provide information on HIV incidence, prevalence, antiretroviral treatment exposure, viral load suppression, HIV drug resistance, risk behaviours and communication in a household-based, nationally-representative sample of the population of South Africa and will describe uptake of key HIV care and treatment services.

Please note that all public enquiries should be addressed to:

Key messages:

South Africa needs you:

- Play your part and build a South Africa we can all be proud of:  participate in this survey

- Have your say in shaping government’s future health, HIV and COVID-19 policies and monitor existing programmes: participate in this survey

- Show you care about how HIV affects and impacts you and your fellow South Africans, regardless of race, class, sex or religion:  participate in this survey

- Make South Africa stronger by contributing to the knowledge we have about HIV and Health:  participate in this survey


- Give us an hour of your time!

- Fully participate in the survey by completing the questionnaire and providing a blood specimen

- Allow our fieldworkers  access to your homes

- Ensure we have good information by answering honestly

For more information on the FAQs please click on the link below:

To download the ethics various provincial approvals please click on the links below: