From Crisis to Recovery: Covid-19 in the BRICS Economies and Sub-Saharan Africa


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Date:  3 September 2020
Time: 12h00-14h00

Livestream via Zoom  

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This presentation will provide a summary of Fitch Solutions’ key views on how the Covid-19 pandemic is affecting the BRICS economies and Sub-Saharan Africa. We will examine how and why China is a key outperformer; it is the only large emerging economy which we expect will dodge a recession this year. Elsewhere, we think that most emerging economies are set for a big fall in output followed by a slow recovery. Indeed, South Africa will probably be one of the worst-performing economies in 2020.

Looking ahead, however, we will also explain why we think that Q2 probably marked the low point for many economies and will explain why activity will pick up later this year. Much, however, depends on the development of the pandemic in specific countries. The worrying health situation in Brazil and India suggests that these two countries may experience longer-lasting economic problems than their BRICS peers elsewhere.


Programme Director: Prof Charles Hongoro- Strategic Lead, PaSS- Developmental Ethical and Capable State (DCES) - HSRC.

Opening Remarks:

Prof Narnia Bohler-Muller: Divisional Executive, Developmental Ethical and Capable State (DCES) - HSRC.


John Ashbourne, Global EM Economist, Fitch Solutions

Jane Morley, Head of SSA Country Risk Fitch Solutions


Dr Emmanuel Owusu-Sekyere, Research Director, PaSS

Q & A:

All in attendance

Closing Remarks:

Dr Yazini April, Director, BRICS Research Centre, DCES, HSRC.

This seminar is funded by the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI). The views and opinions expressed therein as well as findings and statements of the seminar series do not necessarily represent the views of the DSI. Please also note that this seminar may be recorded to be published on the HSRC podcast channel.

Kindly RSVP by 2 September

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