Feeding Our Future: Helping Children Thrive, Not Survive

DATE: 23 March 2021
AUTHOR: Iafrica.com

When it comes to human rights, such as access to food, which is enshrined in our constitution, debates often revolve around the minimum requirements for people to survive.

It is critical to improve children’s access to enough quality food, an area of focus for Afrika Tikkun, and central to its Cradle-to-Career-360° model. The South African National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (SANHNES) by the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), for instance, shows that at the national level, 43.6% of children under five in South Africa are vitamin A deficient (vitamin A is crucial for healthy brain development). Mealie pap and other ultra-refined foods may make one feel full, but these meals are do not provide the nutrients the body needs.

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