HSRC In The News

23 Mar 2021 | South Africa: Survey Shows Ignorance About Big Moments in South Africa's History - Like the Sharpeville Massacre

The yearly Human Rights Day public holiday in South Africa in late March commemorates the Sharpeville Massacre, when police opened fire on a crowd of ...

17 Mar 2021 | Soudien 'over the moon; about NRF A-rating

Emeritus Professor Crain Soudien is the latest University of Cape Town (UCT) researcher to receive the sought-after A-rating from South Africa’s...

9 Mar 2021 | Essential medicines list back in focus in NAPPI Mapping virtual launch

“The Importance of the essential medicine list (EML) with regard to universal healthcare coverage (UHC) and access to essential medicines”...

8 Mar 2021 | 'Thriving Africa' ideal should not depend on externalised systems - Dr Nkisang Moeti

President of the Moeti Practicum Institute of Botswana Dr Nkisang Moeti said on Friday that the ideal of a "thriving Africa", should not depend on ext...

8 Mar 2021 | Sport's view of the week

OF late there have been protests from community members from different communities of Limpopo and all indications revolve around service deliveries ra...

12 Feb 2021 | More than half of South Africans do not seek TB treatment - HSRC survey

About 66% of people in South Africa with tuberculosis do not seek treatment in a country burdened with the illness. A Mail & Guardian report says ...

15 Dec 2020 | South Africa has conducted a National COVID-19 Antibody Survey (NCAS)

Guest: Mr Adlai Davids - Senior Research Manager Department: Human and Social Capabilities at the HSRCTo listen to the interview please click here...

14 Dec 2020 | Dr Sizulu Moyo on 702

Dr Sizulu Moyo on Radio 702...

14 Dec 2020 | HSRC undertakes nationwide Covid-19 antibody testing survey

Dr Sizulu Moyo on SABC News discusses nationwide Covid-19 antibody testing survey being undertaken by HSRC....

11 Dec 2020 | Jeremy Maggs looks at the Trends in International Mathematics and Science

This week the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study was released, and it was distressing, to say the least. Dr. Vijay Reddy from the H...