Factsheet 2 : National HIV prevalence in South Africa - the graphics.

CATEGORY: Fact Sheets
DATE: 1 December 2005

Factsheet 2 : National HIV prevalence in South Africa - the graphics.

The national HIV prevalence in the population of people two years and older is estimated to be 10.8%, with a higher prevalence in women (13.3%) than in men (8.2%). HIV prevalence increases with age from 3.3% in children aged 2-14 years to 16.2 % in adults 15-49 years of age. In people 50 years and older, HIV prevalence is estimated to be 5.7%.

The HIV prevalence among children aged 2-4 and 4-9 is high [See Fact Sheet 3]

Figure 3.1 Prevalence of HIV by sex and age group, South Africa 2005.

HIV prevalence by province is shown in Figure 3.2. KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga and Free State have the highest HIV prevalence in South Africa. The lowest HIV prevalence levels were recorded in the Western Cape and Northern Cape.

Figure 3.2 HIV prevalence in population aged two years and above, by province, South Africa 2005

Mpumalanga has the highest prevalence in this age group, 23.0%, followed by KwaZulu-Natal at 21.9%. Western Cape has the lowest prevalence, 3.2% (Figure 3.8).

Figure 3.8: HIV prevalence among adults aged 15-49 years by province, South Africa 2005

Among persons of reproductive age, Mpumalanga has the highest HIV prevalence, followed by KZN and Free State. These three provinces have HIV prevalence rates that are not significantly different.

Area of residence is also associated with HIV prevalence. People living in urban informal locality types have a much higher prevalence than those in either urban formal or rural formal locality types (Figure 3.3).

Figure 3.3 HIV prevalence in population aged two years and above by locality type, South Africa

People living with HIV/AIDS are found in every race group in South Africa, although the observed prevalence differs (Figure 3.4). HIV prevalence in Africans is substantially greater than in any other racial group - 13.3% compared to less than 2% of other races. Because of a poor response rate among Whites and Indians, their HIV prevalence estimates should be treated with caution.

Figure 3.4 HIV prevalence in population, aged two years and above, by race South Africa 2005

HIV prevalence among young people in the 15-24 age group was 10.3%. Women have almost four times the HIV prevalence of males, 16.9% vs. 4.4% (Figure 3.5).

Figure 3.5 HIV prevalence among young people aged 15 to 24 by sex of respondent, South Africa 2005