IEC Voter Participation Survey 2010/11: An Overview of Results

CATEGORY: South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS)
DATE: 28 April 2011

The HSRC was commissioned to conduct a voter survey in view of the forthcoming municipal elections on 18 May 2011.
The purpose of the survey was, among others:
    •    To inform and guide the Commission in its plans, policies and practices to assist the Commission in implementing its mandate.
    •    To evaluate voting behaviour in SouthAfrica.
    •    To assess the perceptions of voters on the performance of municipal government as it impacts on voter participation.
    •    To determine people's interest in, and perceptions of, the forthcoming local government elections.
    •    To examine the electoral and political involvement of specific groups, such as women, youth and persons with disabilities.
    •    To evaluate public opinion of the IEC and measure people's trust in the Commission.

The following slideshow was presented at the launch: