
HSRC provides media briefs (or press releases) on a regular basis to the media.  Here you can browse the archive of media briefs.

Use the filter tools to search by general keyword (e.g. HIV, education etc), or search by publication (start) date, or by Category, which includes departments.


14 Jun 2016 | Criminalising racism in tumultuous times

The Freedom Charter that underpins our Constitution provides that ‘The preaching and practice of national, race or colour discrimination and con...

27 May 2016 | Undoing race and racism in our everyday lives

We recently reported data from the HSRCs South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) series in which we showed that while there are signs of improvi...

24 May 2016 | Former SA President to deliver a keynote address at the Africa Day celebration

His Excellency, Thabo Mbeki, will be the keynote speaker at the 2016 Africa Day Expo tomorrow (Wednesday, 25 May), which will take place at the Ditson...

19 May 2016 | 2016 Africa Day celebration to be held at the Capital City

Members of the media are invited to attend the 2016 Africa Day Expo to be held in Ditsong Museums of South Africa, Pretoria on 25 May 2016. This year...

17 May 2016 | Durban Homelessness Census: 4 000 very different people in the streets and shelters

Close to 4 000 people live on the street and in formal homeless shelters in the central Durban area, of which approximately 85% are male. A census con...

17 May 2016 | HSRC appoints new M&E research director

The Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Edmore Marinda as a research director at the Research and Impa...

10 May 2016 | The longer walk to freedom: making sense of attitudes towards race relations in South Africa

There is much unfinished business in post-apartheid South Africa. Over the past year, a series of racist and bigoted outbursts on social media have ge...

18 Apr 2016 | HSRC appoints human rights expert to work on issues of transparency, accountability and constitutionalism

Adams completed a Master’s of Philosophy in International Human Rights Law, with distinction, and is currently completing her PhD at the Univers...

1 Apr 2016 | Study choices and employment transitions among Rhodes and Fort Hare university graduates

A poor schooling background follows students right through university and graduation and influences their chances of finding employment, especially if...

29 Mar 2016 | Action dialogue on poverty, inequality and sustainable development in Africa and beyond

The HSRC and its social partners cordially invite you to attend the first of many Action Dialogues which the HSRC will present over the coming months....