
HSRC provides media briefs (or press releases) on a regular basis to the media.  Here you can browse the archive of media briefs.

Use the filter tools to search by general keyword (e.g. HIV, education etc), or search by publication (start) date, or by Category, which includes departments.


7 Mar 2016 | New study analyses HIV hot spots to better target interventions

The relationship between HIV and associated behaviour, and population traits that drive the epidemic, vary from district to district in South Africa. ...

23 Feb 2016 | Prof. Bohler-Muller appointed to chair SA research into blue economy

Professor Narnia Bohler-Muller has been appointed as chair of the academic group of the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA).  IORA is an internat...

19 Nov 2015 | New executive director for Africa Institute of South Africa

The chief executive officer of the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), Professor Crain Soudien has announced the appointment of Professor Narnia B...

2 Oct 2015 | What works in HIV and AIDS and the world of Work Initiatives in South Africa?

South Africa’s Labour Minister, Mildred Oliphant, her Deputy iNkosi Phathekile Holomisa - in a partnership between -“The Deutsche Gesellsc...

28 Jul 2015 | R&D Survey Main Analysis Report

The South African National Survey of Research and Experimental Development(R&D Survey) is conducted annually by the Human Sciences Research Counci...

13 Jul 2015 | BRICS Heads of State 2015 Ufa Declaration

Media Statement                      13 July 2015“BRICS implemen...

10 Jun 2015 | Central African Republic President to host CAR Information Day in Pretoria

The Embassy of the Central African Republic (CAR) to South Africa in collaboration with the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) cordially invite yo...

27 May 2015 | HSRC appoints new CEO

The Board of the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) is pleased to announce the appointment of Professor Crain A. Soudien as the new Chief Executiv...

19 May 2015 | Home Affairs minister to speak at the meeting of African academics

To: ALL MediaAtt: News EditorsFor immediate releaseDate: 19 May 2015 As part of Africa month celebrations in South Africa, Minister of Home Affairs, ...

6 May 2015 | Primary Animal Healthcare in the context of disease prevention and scaling-up for small-scale farmer communities: Research, policy and delivery

Livestock health and development is important in the context of the socio-economic impact that livestock development has on food security, human healt...