
HSRC provides media briefs (or press releases) on a regular basis to the media.  Here you can browse the archive of media briefs.

Use the filter tools to search by general keyword (e.g. HIV, education etc), or search by publication (start) date, or by Category, which includes departments.


27 Jan 2012 | Strategic national health surveys hit the road

Two significant national surveys will be conducted by the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) this year.  The principal investigators of both ...

28 Nov 2011 | Some 14 million participate in HIV counselling and testing campaign

Port Elizabeth - More than 14 million South Africans took part in HIV counselling and testing campaign over the past year – that is the size of ...

24 Nov 2011 | Humanities research the focus of new head of HSRC programme

Professor Arvin Bhana has been appointed as executive director of the Human and Social Development (HSD) research programme at the Human Sciences Rese...

17 Nov 2011 | Building a new green growth path

In their approach to COP17, governments need to see the environment not in conflict with economic growth, but as a means of boosting jobs and liveliho...

24 Oct 2011 | North-South collaboation can strengthen health research

Africa’s investment in research infrastructure is inadequate, especially since the continent is going through an epidemiological transition wher...

20 Oct 2011 | HSRC to host World Social Science Forum

The HSRC has won a bid to host the World Social Science Forum (WSSF) conference in 2015, CEO Dr Olive Shisana announced at the launch of the HSRC's 20...

18 Oct 2011 | HSRC annual report and finances presented to portfolio committee

The HSRC has once again received an unqualified audit from the Auditor-General’s office with respect to the 2010/11 financial year. The report ...

26 Aug 2011 | Children's knowledge of sexuality: Finding new directions

South Africa fact sheet:...

26 Jul 2011 | E Cape: Population dynamics and the poverty trap

The Eastern Cape is known for having mounted one of the largest resistances in Africa against colonialism, eventually succumbing to British rule in 18...

26 Jul 2011 | HSRC MSM report among top AIDS Care articles

As an indicator of the importance of the research that the HSRC does, an article co-authored by Allanise Cloete, Dr Leickeness Simbayi and Nomvo Henda...