
HSRC provides media briefs (or press releases) on a regular basis to the media.  Here you can browse the archive of media briefs.

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6 Jan 2011 | Comments on the 2010 matric results

From the research programme on Education and Skills Development, Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) 1.  At first glance we are surprised at ...

14 Dec 2010 | Dr Olive Shisana to head international social science body

Dr Olive Shisana, CEO of the Human Sciences Research Council HSRC), has been appointed as the new president of the International Social Science Counci...

13 Dec 2010 | Educator leave: A need to reduce time away from classrooms

In his 2010 State of the Nation Address to Parliament this year, President Zuma committed Government to improve the state of education in the country ...

25 Oct 2010 | HSRC focuses on the bigger picture

PRETORIA - The Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) enjoys a positive public image and credibility in the professional sphere and in the public doma...

19 Oct 2010 | New executive director for research on economic performance

The Human Science Research Council (HSRC) has appointment Professor Margaret Mabugu from the department of economics at the University of Pretoria as ...

12 Oct 2010 | HSRC appoints two deputy cheif executive officers

The Human Science Research Council (HSRC) has announced the appointment of two deputy CEOs to support the CEO, Dr Olive Shisana.  Dr Temba Masile...

7 Oct 2010 | Provincial governments have role in economic prosperity

Do provincial governments have a role to play in promoting economic prosperity, and to what extent do current provincial policies possess the attribut...

7 Sep 2010 | Voices of the people: SASAS relaunched

The South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) is being relaunched at a seminar in Pretoria today.     •    Vis...

7 Sep 2010 | Voices of the people: SASAS relaunched

The South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) is being relaunched at a seminar in Pretoria today.     •    Vis...

2 Sep 2010 | Voices of the people: A national and international perspective

    •    Venue:: Pretoria, and videocasted to the HSRC offices in Durban and Cape Town. For directions and maps, go...