
HSRC provides media briefs (or press releases) on a regular basis to the media.  Here you can browse the archive of media briefs.

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2 Sep 2010 | Voices of the people: A national and international perspective

    •    Venue:: Pretoria, and videocasted to the HSRC offices in Durban and Cape Town. For directions and maps, go...

11 Aug 2010 | Skills shortages hamper growth targets

Skills Shortages in South Africa: Case Studies of Key Professions
Edited by Johan Erasmus & Mignonne Breier and published by the HSRC PRESS...

22 Jul 2010 | HSRC CEO Dr. Olive Shisana reappointed for five years

The Cabinet has approved the reappointment of Dr Olive Shisana as chief executive officer (CEO) of the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) for a se...

24 Jun 2010 | Families at the heart of the matter: children affected by HIV/AIDS

AIDS is fundamentally a family disease: infections run through families, families carry the burdens of infection, and growing evidence suggests that f...

21 Jun 2010 | A decline in new HIV infections in South Africa

New findings indicate that HIV incidence is declining and that the impact of antiretroviral treatment is having an effect on the South African epidemi...

10 Jun 2010 | Research agreement between HSRC and NMMU on HIV/AIDS

The Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) and Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) related t...

24 May 2010 | Constructing a developmental state in SA

Johannesburg - The government should establish a state mining company that could deploy its resources for developmental purposes, and set up a state b...

24 May 2010 | Constructing a developmental state in SA

Johannesburg - The government should establish a state mining company that could deploy its resources for developmental purposes, and set up a state b...

13 May 2010 | The health of our children: Results from a national HIV population survey

CAPE TOWN - Nearly all pregnant women in South Africa are making use of antenatal care clinics during pregnancy (97%), while nearly three-quarters hav...

30 Apr 2010 | HSRC executive appointed to National Planning Commission

Dr Miriam Altman, executive director of the HSRC's Centre for Poverty, Employment and Growth, has been appointed as a commissioner to the National Pla...